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Una década asociando ciencia, Estados Unidos y España. ECUSA cumple 10 años: 2014 -2024
Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia Jornada Viernes, 04 de octubre de 2024, 09:30 horas Madrid
Información general:
Sede: Fundación Ramón Areces - salón de actos. Calle Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid.
Asistencia gratuita hasta completar aforo. Necesaria inscripción online previa.
El salón de actos está equipado con sistema de bucle magnético.
Organizado por:
Españoles Científicos en Estados Unidos (ECUSA) y Fundación Ramón Areces
En colaboración con:
Fundación Consejo España – EE.UU y la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT).
Una década asociando ciencia, Estados Unidos y España. ECUSA cumple 10 años: 2014 -2024 (I)
Una década asociando ciencia, Estados Unidos y España. ECUSA cumple 10 años: 2014 -2024 (II)
- Descripción
- Programa
- Ponente/s
Con motivo del décimo aniversario de la creación de Españoles Científicos en Estados Unidos (ECUSA) se organiza esta jornada de encuentros científicos con dos propósitos: promocionar el papel de ECUSA como instrumento de cohesión entre científicos españoles en Estados Unidos y España; y profundizar en retos a los que se enfrenta la comunidad científica construyendo un futuro sostenible, justo y equitativo para las personas y el planeta.
El encuentro está dirigido a la comunidad científica en España, tanto a nivel individual como instituciones públicas y privadas, que estén interesadas en los vínculos científicos entre España y Estados Unidos, particularmente aquellos proyectos en los que ha participado ECUSA y los profesionales de la ciencia asociados a ella. Contará con la participación de expertos en sostenibilidad y profesionales de la ciencia, miembros de ECUSA, que regresaron a Europa y España.
"La Fundación Ramón Areces no se hace responsable de las opiniones, comentarios o manifestaciones realizadas por las personas que participan en sus actividades".
Viernes, 04 de octubre
09:00 h.
Registro de asistentes
09:30 h.
Bienvenida institucional
Raimundo Pérez-Hernández y Torra
Director General de la Fundación Ramón Areces.
Ana Elorza
Directora de Proyectos Estratégicos de FECYT.
Josu Jon Imaz
Presidente de la Fundación Consejo España - EE.UU.
Santiago Herrero Amigo
Director de Relaciones Culturales y Científicas, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, (AECID).
Ana Ramírez de Molina
Viceconsejera de Universidades, Investigación y Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Bienvenida académica
Ana Muñoz
Presidenta de ECUSA. Escuelas Públicas de Arlington, Virginia. EE.UU.
María Leavitt
Chair. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Departamento de comercio americano.
10:00 h.
Primera mesa redonda: ¿Qué es ECUSA?
Pepa Barragán
Barragán BioConsulting.
David Peris
Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, CSIC.
Alicia Pérez
Carmen de Sena
Institut d´Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS).
Ignacio Ugarte Urra
Astrofísico y miembro fundador de ECUSA.
Vídeo documental
11:00 h.
Segunda mesa redonda. Testimonios de Investigadores que regresaron a Europa / España
Stela Álvarez Fernández
MSAT Customer Project Expert en Lonza.
Cristina Pujades
Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
Santiago Cuevas
Miguel Servet Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Murcia (IMIB).
Marian Mellén
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
María Leavitt
Chair. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Departamento de comercio americano.
Proyección de vídeo
12:00 h.
12:30 h.
Conferencia Magistral. "Rejuvenecimiento celular para revertir enfermedades, lesiones y discapacidades que pueden ocurrir a lo largo de la vida"
Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte
Altos Laboratories, San Diego, California. EE.UU.
13:30 h.
15:00 h.
Primera sesión temática. Un futuro más sostenible y equitativo a nivel global
Transformando Mentes. Impacto de la Educación Científica en la Sociedad
Ana Muñoz
Presidenta de ECUSA. Escuelas Públicas de Arlington, Virginia. EE.UU.
IA y cambio climático
Bruno Sánchez - Andrade Nuño
Director del "Clay" y miembro fundador de ECUSA.
Investigación traslacional y clínica en terapia celular CAR-T para el tratamiento de tumores pediátricos
Jordi Minguillón Pedreño
Unidad de Oncohematología Pediátrica (IdiPaz-CNIO) y Unidad Mixta de Terapias Avanzadas ( CIEMAT-IIS-FJD).
Eva Campo
Física teórica e Ingeniera de Materiales y miembro de ECUSA.
16:00 h.
Segunda sesión temática. El impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la sociedad
Pere Estupinyá
Comunicador científico, escritor, speaker.
Algunas reflexiones sobre la Inteligencia de la Inteligencia Artificial
Ramón López de Mántaras
Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial del CSIC.
Inteligencia Artificial, y tal y tal: innovación y regulación
Pablo Molina
Universidad de Georgetown y Universidad de Drexel.
Copilotos para el futuro
Nerea Luis Mingueza
Consultora en Inteligencia Artificial.
10 años the IA generativa (Intervención Online)
Antonio Torralba
Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT).
17:30 h.
Los próximos 10 años de ECUSA
Ana Muñoz
Presidenta de ECUSA.
Eva Ortega-Paíno
Secretaria General de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
17:40 h.
Ramón López de Mántaras
Dr. Mantaras is a Research Professor (Emeritus) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Founder and former director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA). Electrical Engineer from Mondragon University (Spain), Master of Sciences in Computer Science from the University of California Berkeley, PhD in Physics from the University of Toulouse (France), and PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Barcelona. A pioneer of Artificial Intelligence in Spain, with contributions, since 1976, in Pattern Recognition, Approximate Reasoning, Expert Systems, Machine Learning, Case-Based Reasoning, Autonomous Robots, and AI & Music. Author of nearly 300 papers. Invited plenary speaker at numerous international conferences. Former Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Intelligence Communications, and editorial board member of several top international journals. Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence. Co-recipient of five best paper awards at international conferences. Recipient, among other awards, of the “City of Barcelona” Research Prize in 1981, the “2011 American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Award”, the “2012 Spanish National Computer Science Award” from the Spanish Computer Society, the “2016 Distinguished Service Award of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence”, the “2017 IJCAI Donald E. Walker Distinguished Service Award” of IJCAI, and the “2018 National Research Award in Mathematics and ICT” of the Spanish Government. Member of the “Institut d’Estudis Catalans” (Catalan Academy of Sciences and Humanities). He serves on a variety of panels and advisory committees for public and private institutions based in the USA and Europe on AI related issues.
Pablo Molina
Pablo Molina is the Chief Information Security Officer at Drexel University and a Faculty Lecturer at Georgetown University, where he teaches graduate courses in ethics and technology management. He has taught in Spain, Mexico, and several Central American countries. He is the Executive Director of the International Applied Ethics and Technology Association. He serves as a board member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Digital Policy and on several other non-profit boards. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional and a Certified Information Privacy Professional. Pablo has a doctorate from Georgetown University on the adoption of technology in education and an MBA from Saint Louis University.
He was Chief Information Officer at the Association of American Law Schools, Chief Information Officer at Southern Connecticut State University, Associate Vice President for Information Technology and campus Chief Information Officer at Georgetown University, Director of Information Technology at the University of Pennsylvania, Lecturer/Director of Information Systems at Washington University in Saint Louis, and Senior Lecturer at the University of Missouri in Saint Louis. He served as a long-term board member of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and completed a Fulbright program at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.
Nerea Luis Mingueza
Dr. Luis is an independent consultant and advisor in Artificial Intelligence. With a PhD in Computer Science, with 10 years of experience in the field, she has led the direction of projects related to Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. During these years he has received recognition from Google, Casa Real and Forbes, among others. Nerea is a well-known disseminator in the field of Artificial Intelligence, she has been collaborating with the TV program Órbita Laika for three seasons in the new technology section and recently in Special Corps on EuropaFM.
Recognitions and Awards Dr. Luis was a Women Techmaker Scholar in 2016 by Google. In 2018, the COTEC Foundation selected her as an expert in Technology, Talent and Gender within its “Cotec 100” network. She has been the winner of the ICT Innovative recognition by the Cibervoluntarios Foundation and the Business Insider medium has recognized her as one of the 23 talents under 35 years of age willing to lead the technological revolution. In 2019, Nerea was awarded by the Royal Family with the Order of Civil Merit and has been included among the Top 100 leading women in Spain in the revelation category. In 2023 it was recognized by INECO in its Minerva award.
Antonio Torralba
Antonio Torralba is the Delta electronics Professor and head of the AI+D faculty at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). From 2017 to 2020, he was the MIT director of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, and, from 2018 to 2020, the inaugural director of the MIT Quest for Intelligence, a MIT campus-wide initiative to discover the foundations of intelligence. He is also member of CSAIL and the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines. He received the degree in telecommunications engineering from Telecom BCN, Spain, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in signal, image, and speech processing from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 2000. From 2000 to 2005, he spent postdoctoral training at the Brain and Cognitive Science Department and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, where he is now a professor. Prof. Torralba has served as program chair for the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in 2015. He received the 2008 National Science Foundation (NSF) Career award, the best student paper award at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) in 2009, the 2010 J. K. Aggarwal Prize from the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), the 2017 Frank Quick Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship, the Louis D. Smullin ('39) Award for Teaching Excellence, the 2020 PAMI Mark Everingham Prize, and was named 2021 AAAI fellow. In 2021, he was awarded the Inaugural Thomas Huang Memorial Prize by the PAMITC. In 2022, he was invested Honoris Causa doctor by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
María Leavitt
María Gómez Salcedo-Leavitt is a Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 1633 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Received her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from Eastern Virginia Medical School (Norfolk, Virginia). She received a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Arts from Old Dominion University (Norfolk, Virginia). She also holds a Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.
She has worked for 24 years in biomedical research in the area of Endocrinology and reproduction, biochemical receptors and molecular pharmacology, virology and genetic engineering. She has worked in numerous medical and academic centers including: NIH-National Cancer Institute (Frederick; Maryland), Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (Bethesda; Maryland), NIH - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (Bethesda; Maryland), EVMS Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine (Norfolk, Virginia), Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, South Caroline) and the unit of human reproduction of the Hospital de Cruces, Bilbao.
Maria became a Patent Examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), U.S. Department of Commerce, where she mentors junior examines and examines applications in the field of transgenic animals, gene therapy, non-embryonic stem cells, nanotechnology, and polymers for nucleic acid delivery. Maria was promoted to PhD Level Classification GS-15 on September 2, 2018 as a specialist in molecular biology.
Maria is a founding member of ECUSA ( and has participated actively as a Secretary at its Board since it was founded in October 2013 until April 2016. Maria has worked particularly in the elaboration of the By-laws of ECUSA, in the registration process of ECUSA as a corporation in Washington DC in March 2014, and in the process of establishing ECUSA as a non-profit under section 501 (c) (3). Additionally, Maria is a founder member of a no-profit organization for the diffusion of Spanish guitar, flamenco dance and associated arts, TorcuArt ( Within the affinity groups at the USPTO, Maria volunteered as the external president of the SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)-USPTO board from July 2017-June 2021. Maria has been awarded the “Order of Civil Merit” by the Government of Spain for my commitment to volunteering on behalf of several non-profits advancing STEM, Fine Arts and Spanish Popular Culture.
Pepa Barragán
Dr. Barragan is a former US FDA regulator with 19 years of combined experience in facility compliance, drug regulatory affairs (CMC) and multiple aspects of research and development in government and industry. As an FDA regulator, Pepa led pre-license and for-cause regulatory inspections of biopharmaceutical manufacturers in eight countries and contributed to the approval of 15 biotechnology drug products for US commerce. Pepa was responsible for the product safety assessment of investigational new drug (IND) applications, assessed over 200 post-approval regulatory submissions, and participated in a number of formal FDA meetings. Pepa received two FDA Special Recognition awards for her facility inspections and BLA assessment contributions to the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (CDER/OPQ).
Prior to serving at the FDA, Pepa was a Principal Scientist at a global pharmaceutical company where she participated in the discovery and development of new antimalarial drugs. She held other senior scientist positions focused on the molecular diagnostics of rare genetic disorders, and later became a Principal Consultant at a global CRO firm prior to founding Barragán BioConsulting. In her first year as a consultant, Pepa had served clients in three continents providing them with regulatory support in submission preparation (CMC sections), advice on regulatory strategy, and facility compliance matters.
Pepa holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Complutense University (Spain), and was a visiting research fellow at Harvard (US) and Freiburg (Germany) Universities. She completed a five-year postdoctoral fellowship at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has co-authored 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications and one biotechnology patent, and has been invited speaker at several scientific and regulatory conferences.
David Peris Navarro
Scientific contributions
David Peris has a PhD in Biotechnology (University of Valencia, 2012). He is Principal Investigator at University of Oslo and Tenured Researcher (Científico Titular) at Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA)-CSIC. He has developed his research in four different countries: Spain, UK, US and Norway. He is leading the UiO/IATA FunGIA lab (Fungal Genomics & Industrial Applications Lab), where his team implements bioinformatic tools to study evolution and adaptation of fungi (mushroom-like and yeasts) through population and comparative genomics methods, high througput microbial phenotyping; and they develop new molecular methods for generating new strains with applications in food.
Contribution to society
Peris’ research has been transferred to society by 3 intellectual disclosure reports and 2 patents. He developed molecular methods to generate yeast diversity that can offer new traits of industrial interest. Heineken® has used their strains to generate a new line of beers, the “Wild Lager”.
Other contributions in ECUSA and other non-profit associations
He was president of Spanish Scientist in US-Midwest (2015-2017), developing mentoring and outreach programs, and he participated actively in outreach events organized by SFNO (Spanske Forskere i Norge) IENO (2021).
Important prizes and fellowships
In 2017, he received the postdoctoral Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship; in 2018, he was recipient of the DeLill Nasser Award of Genetics Society of America; and in 2024, he received the 1st Maria Blasco Award by the Spanish Embassy in Norway and SFNO.IENO.
Alicia Pérez - Porro
Alicia Perez-Porro is a marine biologist by training, an environmental activist by heart, and a mother of two little children. She connects environmental science, diplomacy, and justice for a more just and sustainable future for all.
Dr. Perez-Porro is the Scientific Coordinator of CREAF — a public scientific research institute near Barcelona, Spain, dedicated to understanding and addressing the environmental challenges faced by our planet — where she is part of the management team, oversees the international relationships, and leads the Mediterranean strategy (MedCREAF). She also sits at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Board of Trustees, the IIED-Europe Supervisory Board, and is part of the Spanish Science Media Center advisory board. Recently, she has been selected by the European Commission as one of the experts for the EU Science Diplomacy Working Groups to develop potential elements of a future European framework for science diplomacy.
Dr. Perez-Porro holds a MSc and a PhD in Biodiversity from the University of Barcelona, conducting her doctoral research at Harvard University as a 5-year visiting scholar, and a MA in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University (GMAP’21).
She has been a member of the Association for Spanish Scientists in USA ( since 2015, occupying different roles in the organization during her years living in the USA. She was first member of the DC chapter’s board, went into founding and chairing MECUSA in 2016, role that she held until she became the president of ECUSA and the President of the Network of Spanish Researchers Abroad (RAICEX) from 2019 to 2021.
In 2018, she was awarded the Spanish Red Cross Gold Medal for her efforts advocating for gender equality as a key component of climate action. Dr. Perez-Porro was also a 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar, and a 2018 92Y Women in Power fellow.
Furthermore, in 2020 she co-authored the children’s book The Secret Life of Viruses, translated to 14 different languages and with more than 50.000 copies already sold. Her happy place is by the ocean, loves dancing like no one is watching, and cannot resist to a piece of lemon cake. (twitter/instragram: @aliciaprzporro).
Carmen de Sena
Dr. de Sena obtained her degree in Biology from the University of Salamanca in 2006 and later moved to Madrid to pursue her PhD studies at the National Center of Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC). In 2012, she earned her PhD in Molecular Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. That same year, she moved to New York, USA, to begin her postdoctoral studies, initially at Cornell University and later at Columbia University (2012- 2018).
During her time in New York, Carmen became a founding member of ECUSA-NY, directing the Advisory working group both locally and nationally. She contributed to developing the Welcome package and organizing various events and talks that provided information and assistance about the daily challenges of being a Spaniard in the United States. These initiatives were made possible by funding received from the Ministry of Social Security. In her last two years in the States, she served as President of ECUSA-NY while continuing her contributions to the Advisory working group.
In 2019, Carmen moved to Lisbon, Portugal, where she worked as a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM-JLA). There, she developed her own research line on the role of the innate immune system in central nervous system regeneration using zebrafish as the model organism. Since 2024, she has been pursuing her research interests at IDIBAPS in Barcelona, while also teaching in the Department of Genetics, Microbiology, and Statistics at the University of Barcelona.
Ana Muñoz
Dr. Munoz is a science teacher and scientific researcher. She joined the ECUSA founding group when she arrived in the Washington DC area in 2014 and has been linked to ECUSA ever since, being the first president of the DC chapter and serving on the education committee. Ana holds a PhD in soil microbiology from the University of Extremadura and did a postdoc at the University of Minnesota. She worked for the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and in the Research and Development department of a private Spanish company. Since 2016 she has worked as a teacher within the APS (Arlington Public Schools) system, teaching Biology and Chemistry in Spanish in a bilingual high school.
In 2021 she was named “bilingual teacher of the year” in the United States. Ana coordinates several educational projects to promote science in vulnerable groups.
Bruno Sánchez - Andrade Nuño
Bruno is the Executive Director of Clay, and AI for Earth nonprofit, where he focuses on making AI application on sustainability and Nature, open-source, open-data and open for business. He co-founded and leads the project. Previously, Bruno co-founded and directed the Planetary Computer and AI for Earth program at Microsoft. His past roles also include leading data projects at the World Bank and Chief Scientist at Mapbox, emphasizing his extensive experience in technology and environmental and social impact. He co-founded ECUSA. He is recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Originally from Asturias, Spain; Bruno currently resides in Copenhagen with his wife and 2 kids.
Jordi Minguillón Pedreño
El Dr. Minguillón es un investigador con más de 16 años de experiencia postdoctoral, especializado en reparación del ADN, inmunología y terapias avanzadas. Tiene una doble licenciatura en Biología y Bioquímica por la Universitat de Barcelona y un doctorado en Inmunología por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Realizó su primera estancia posdoctoral, desde el 2008 al 2021 en el grupo de Síndromes de Inestabilidad Genómica y Reparación del ADN liderado por Jordi Surrallés en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona / Instituto de Investigación Del Hospital de Sant Pau. A finales de 2021 se incorporó como investigador senior a la Unidad IdiPAZ-CNIO de Oncohematología pediátrica liderada por Antonio Pérez Martínez, y desde febrero de este año es miembro de la Unidad Mixta de Terapias Avanzadas CIEMAT-FIIS-FJD, enfocando su investigación en terapias avanzadas para el cáncer pediátrico y síndromes genéticos raros.
En su trayectoria investigadora tiene 23 publicaciones científicas, ha presentado más de 40 comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales, registrado tres patentes y dos designaciones de medicamentos huérfanos por la EMA. Ha obtenido 8 proyectos competitivos como investigador principal, codirigido 3 tesis doctorales y supervisado múltiples estudiantes de TFG y TFM.
Stela Álvarez Fernández
Was born in Leon, Spain. From a young age, she aspired to be a doctor and a dancer. She pursued a degree in Biology at the University of Vigo and, during her final year as an Erasmus student in Sunderland, UK, she discovered a passion for working with international people. After graduating, Stela explored various laboratories to find her true calling. She spent a year studying plant resistance in Tenerife, researched rare diseases at a public hospital, and worked for two years on obesity and diabetes treatment pathways. Eventually, she found her niche in Cell and Molecular Biology of Cancer at the Center for Cancer Research (CIC) in Salamanca, Spain, where she completed her PhD in signaling pathways to target Multiple Myeloma.
After her PhD, Stela moved to San Diego, California, to work in biotech companies. There, she discovered ECUSA and helped establish a San Diego team, which complemented the existing California chapter in the Bay Area. Stela became actively involved in the Career Development and E-visibility programs, co-directing the latter from 2016 to 2020. She also served as the treasurer of the California chapter from 2016 to 2017 and as its president from 2017 to 2019, enhancing the chapter's visibility and growth within ECUSA. From 2019 to 2021, she was the Vice President of ECUSA. Stela has since returned to Spain, where she has worked as a Product Manager. She is passionate about communication, education, entrepreneurship and networking.
Cristina Pujades
I am Full Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. After my PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona (1991), I did a postdoctoral stay at the DFCI-Harvard Medical School (Boston). In 1995, I moved to Paris as a postdoc at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and in 1999 I got a permanent position at the Sorbonne University. From that time, I have been fascinated by developmental neurobiology, and how you go from DNA and genes to the generation of form.
This has been the main focus of my latest scientific career. In 2002, I had the opportunity of joining the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where we study how spatiotemporally coordinated cell progenitor specification and differentiation occur during morphogenesis to construct a functional brain (
Currently, I am an ICREA Academia awardee from the Generalitat of Catalonia (2015—2020, 2021—2025).
I have served in institutional positions, first as Academic Secretary and as Vice-Chair of the Department (2007—2015), as Delegate of the Rector for Research (2015—2017) and as Vice-Rector of Professorate and Vice-Rector of Talent Recruitment and Retaining Policy (2017— 2021). Since 2023, I am Vice-Rector for Research.
Santiago Cuevas
I have 22 years of experience in the academy and industry in basic, translational and clinical research studying the pathways involved in the regulation of oxidative stress and inflammation in the pathogenesis of hypertension and renal diseases, with ten years of experience in the United States in this same field of research.
At present, I am a Principal Investigator Miguel Servet in the Institute of Biomedical Research in Murcia (IMIB). I am a team leader in the Unit of Molecular Inflammation at the IMIB, where we study the molecular mechanism involved in inflammasome regulation and its role in the pathogenesis of several renal and cardiovascular diseases, and determine the protective effects of new anti-inflammatory pharmacological approaches in diabetic nephropathy.
Marian Mellén
Marian Mellén is a researcher and professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid. She completed her doctoral thesis on the role of autophagy in the development of the nervous system at the CIB-CSIC, and her postdoc in the Molecular Biology laboratory at the Rockefeller University in New York, where she focused on understanding the differences in the regulation of the genes that confer unique identity, function and morphology to each neuronal type. She currently focuses on developing advanced therapies for diseases of the nervous system based on mesenchymal stem cells.
Away from the laboratory, Marian was a founding member of the New York chapter of ECUSA and was chair of the scientific committee at the I and II Meeting of Spanish Scientists held at Georgetown University and Boston, in 2015 and 2017, respectively. He also served on the committee of the Science & Education Policy Association at Rockefeller University.
Marian takes every opportunity to support the progress of young women in science: she was an active member of WiSER (Women in Science at Rockefeller) and a mentor and speaker at the Scientista Syposium 2015 and 2017 held at Microsoft, New York. She has been a scientific consultant for the New York City Department of Education and the New York Academy of Sciences. She has been an active part of Stem Talent Girl in Spain between 2017 and 2020. In 2024 she published her first youth popularization book “Great Enigmas of Science” from the Penguin Random House publishing house.
Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte
Dr. Izpisua Belmonte’s early work was pivotal for understanding fundamental genetic and cellular principles that govern vertebrate development. His discoveries helped decipher how specific signaling pathways (FGF, Notch, Wnt, Hedgehog) and master transcriptional regulators (Hox genes) are used at different times and places during embryogenesis. They constituted the basis from where he has built conceptual discoveries and new methodologies for regenerative medicine including:
Seminal discoveries towards understanding the molecular basis of cell differentiation and somatic cell reprogramming.
His observations have shown that dedifferentiation and epigenetic modifications allow for endogenous organ regeneration.
Novel genetic, epigenetic and cellular technologies to both treat and prevent the transmission of monogenic diseases at both the embryonic and adult stages. He also demonstrated the existence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals, which may have profound implications in our understanding of evolutionary biology as well as the etiology, diagnosis, and prevention of non-genetically inherited human diseases.
Novel chimeric methodologies that allows differentiation of human cells inside embryos of different species. He has pioneered the development of protocols for ex-vivo culturing of mammalian embryos, including non-human primates, as well as creating synthetic mammalian embryos, advances that may allow for the generation of human tissues and organs for transplantation.
Development of novel stem cell models of human aging and aging-associated diseases, and discovery of new drivers of aging. Demonstration by partial in vivo reprogramming that aging can be slowed down and even be reversed in mammals by resetting the aging clock that universally affects all forms of life. He has also shown that the restoration of cellular resilience and rejuvenation by cellular reprogramming, improves tissue and organ health and thus reverse and prevent diseases, injuries and dysfunctions that accumulate throughout life. The discovery of the nominee may represent a radically new, universal approach to the elimination of disease and disability.
Ignacio Ugarte Urra
Astrofísico y Miembro fundador de ECUSA. Ignacio Ugarte Urra es astrofísico en el departamento de ciencias del espacio de un Laboratorio Federal en Washington, DC. Su especialidad es la física solar y el estudio de los procesos responsables del calentamiento de la atmósfera exterior del Sol, la corona, y de la erupciones que dan origen a la climatología espacial. Actualmente ejerce como Project Scientist y Deputy PI de EUVST, un espectrógrafo de NASA en desarrollo para una misión internacional liderada por JAXA, la agencia espacial japonesa. En 2014 fundó junto a un grupo de científicos españoles del área de Washington DC, la asociación de científicos españoles en Estados Unidos, ECUSA, de la que fue su primer presidente. Por esa labor recibió en 2024 la Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil. Ignacio Ugarte es licenciado en Astrofísica por la Universidad de La Laguna en Tenerife y doctor por la Universidad de Queen's en Belfast, Reino Unido.
Eva Campo
Física teórica e Ingeniera de Materiales, Miembro de ECUSA. Eva Campo estudia interfaces de sistemas tecnológicos: semiconductores, compuestos poliméricos de nanopartículas, y herramientas biomédicas. Como directora en la National Science Foundation ha co-dirigido programas (en exceso de $80 millones) promoviendo ciencia de datos abierta (imprescindible para la inteligencia artificial) y promocionando la participación de minorías; en particular mujeres, Hispanos, Afroamericanos, y el Pueblo Navajo.
Su labor como Embajadora de Ciencia Abierta ha generado la consolidación de Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y Canadá dentro del Research Data Alliance y habitualmente participa en discusiones con las National Academies of Science and Engineering en Washington, DC.
Eva es Senior Scientist y Fellow de SPIE, profesora adjunta del departamento de Materiales en Ingeniería en la Universidad de Maryland, fundadora de Campostella Research & Consulting, y contribuye a ECUSA en los ámbitos de Inteligencia Artificial y política científica.
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Conferencias Científicos extranjeros en España Madrid, Jueves, 03 de abril de 2025, 19:00 horas
Científicos del CNIO descubren un nuevo mecanismo para la formación de plaquetas
Publicado el 27 de enero de 2015 | 00:00
El nacimiento de la Sociedad de Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom
Publicado el 27 de noviembre de 2012 | 00:00
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