MADRID 2019 The Future of AGEING

Wed. 22 May, Ramon Areces Foundation AuditoriumRegistration closed

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Verónica Zenaida Montes de Oca Zavala

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She was president of the Latin-American Association of Population (ALAP) for 2017-2018. She is member of networks in Latin-American and Europe: ENACTIBE, Encage, EMvases and RIIIES.

Verónica Zenaida Montes de Oca Zavala

Sociologist and demographer. She is PhD in Social Sciences with focus in Population Studies by the Demography, Urban and Environmental Studies Centre in El Colegio de México, A. C., Mexico City.

Verónica Zenaida Montes de Oca Zavala is sociologist and demographer. She is PhD in Social Sciences with focus in Population Studies by the Demography, Urban and Environmental Studies Centre in El Colegio de México, A. C., Mexico City. She is Senior Researcher at the Social Research Institute of the National University Autonomous of Mexico (UNAM). She is National Research level III of the National System of Researcher by National Council of Science and Technology (SNI-CONACYT). From 2012, she is coordinator of the Teaching and Research University Network of Ageing and Old Age at UNAM (SUIEV).

She was president of the Latin-American Association of Population (ALAP) for 2017-2018. She is member of networks in Latin-American and Europe: ENACTIBE, Encage, EMvases and RIIIES. Since 2009 representing to Mexico in the Latin-American Research Network of Ageing in México (LARNA) directed by Oxford Institute of Population Ageing in UK. She was advisor in Latin-American Demography Centre (CELADE-CEPAL), UNRISD, national and local government.

Her trajectory of research is demographic ageing in Mexico and Latin-American and the Caribbean region. Other topics are Human Rights in Older Persons, social support networks, households and families, impact of the migration in the ageing phenomenon in Mexico and United States with a transnational perspective, active ageing from a comparative perspective, public policies and strategies of care in older persons.

She has selected publications: Community networks, gender and ageing in 2006; Stopped histories in the time. The phenomenon of migration from the perspective of old age in Guanajuato in 2008; Migration, transnational networks and ageing. A study of family networks of older people from Guanajuato in 2008; Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching in 2013; Old Age, Health and Society. Disciplinary Approaches from Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives in 2014; Population and Ageing. Past, present and future in the sociodemographic research in 2017. Also she has articles in the national or international journals. 

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