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He has authored poems such as La caja de plata (1985, Critic's Award 1986), Por fuertes y fronteras (1996), La vida en llamas (2006, Prize "Ciudad de Melilla"), El reino blanco (2010), Cuaderno de vacaciones (2014, National Prize of Poetry 2015) or Bloc de otoño (2018).
Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Luis Alberto de Cuenca is Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (since 1989) and Full Member of the Real Academia de la Historia (since 2010).
Luis Alberto de Cuenca is Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (since 1989) and Full Member of the Real Academia de la Historia (since 2010). He has been Director of the Biblioteca Nacional (1996-2000), Secretary of State for Culture (2000-2004) and President of the Real Patronato de la Biblioteca Nacional (2015-2018). Among other awards, he has been granted the National Translation Prize in 1989 for his translation of the Latin poem of the anonymous Waltharius (10th century), in 2007 the Literature Prize of the Community of Madrid, in 2013 the "Julián Marías" Prize for Research in Humanities and, in 2015, the National Prize for Literature (Poetry).
He has authored poems such as La caja de plata (1985, Critic's Award 1986), Por fuertes y fronteras (1996), La vida en llamas (2006,Prize "Ciudad de Melilla”), El reino blanco (2010), Cuaderno de vacaciones (2014, National Prize of Poetry 2015) o Bloc de otoño (2018), and essays such as Floresta española de varia caballería (1975), El héroe y sus máscaras (1991), Álbum de lecturas (1995), Señales de humo (1999), Libros contra el aburrimiento (2011), Palabras con alas (2012), Los caminos de la literatura (2015), Libros para pasártelo bien (2016) or Scarface (2019).
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