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Director of the Masters Degree in Bioethics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1988-2011), Director of the Masters Degree in Bioethics. Regional Program of Bioethics for Latin America and Caribean Countries. Pan American Health Organization. Santiago de Chile (1996-2002), Appointed Member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain (1990- ).
Diego Gracia
Diego Gracia is MD, PhD, Psychiatrist, Emeritus Professor of History of Medicine and Bioethics at the Medical School of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011- ), Professor of History of Medicine and Bioethics at the Medical Faculty of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1978-2011),
Diego Gracia is MD, PhD, Psychiatrist, Emeritus Professor of History of Medicine and Bioethics at the Medical School of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011-), Professor of History of Medicine and Bioethics at the Medical Faculty of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1978-2011), Honorary Professor of the School of Medicine of the University of Chile, Honorary Professor of the San Marcos School of Medicine of Lima (Perú), Honorary Professor of the University of Cordoba (Argentina), Director of the Department of Public Health and History of Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1988-1992; 1998-2002; 2006-2011), Director of the Masters Degree in Bioethics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1988-2011), Director of the Masters Degree in Bioethics. Regional Program of Bioethics for Latin America and Caribean Countries. Pan American Health Organization. Santiago de Chile (1996-2002), Appointed Member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain (1990-), Fellow of the National Academy of Medicine of Chile, Director of the Zubiri Foundation of Madrid (1972-), President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Health Sciences of Madrid (1992- ), Director of the Institute of Bioethics of the Foundation for the Health Sciences of Madrid (1995- ), and Fellow of the Hastings Center (New York) (2009- ).
He has wroten many books as: Introducción a la Medicina; Voluntad de comprensión: La aventura intelectual de Pedro Laín Entralgo; La cuestión del valor; Valor y precio, Construyendo valores and Bioética mínima.
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