Objetives and
Fields of Action
The Ramón Areces Foundation has been supporting the talent, scientific capacities and work of young Spanish researchers and professionals for more than 40 years . It has its own programs to promote scientific and technical research, human capital training and knowledge dissemination in the areas of Life and Matter Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Ramón Areces Foundation coordinates its Research Support Programs through national competitions that are open to teams from the whole national territory. Life and Matter Sciences Grants are convened every two years, while Social Sciences Research Grants are convened every year.
Human Capital training is a key priority for the Ramón Areces Foundation, and it is primarily coordinated through three main action plans: an annual scholarship program that allows graduate students and PhD holders to continue their studies abroad; an annual scholarship program for the children of the El Corte Inglés Group's employees; and the financial support of different scientific training excellence programs that are carried on by other institutions.
The Foundation has established a wide network of collaboration agreements with top-level national and international institutions, research centers and universities. These agreements are specified in the organization of scientific and academic activities to promote the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation in research projects between Spanish and foreign teams.
The Foundation is based in Madrid, although it operates throughout the national territory. Since 2012, the institution is present in more than 16 countries through the Communities of Spanish Scientists Abroad, which it supports in order to contribute to the international promotion of Spanish Science and to reinforce the weight of Spanish language in the world as a language in the generation and transmission of scientific knowledge.
Objectives and Fields of Action