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#Proyectos relacionados con Libro Blanco de las políticas de género en ciencia y academia
Renewable Ammonia as an Energy Vector
Senior Researcher : Francisco Pelayo García Arquer Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas, ICFO. Barcelona -
Programming bacterial metabolism for the valorization of plastic wastes (ProgStrain):
Senior Researcher : Sergio Bordel Velasco Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valladolid -
Harnessing microRNAs for cancer immunotherapy
Senior Researcher : Alicia González Martín Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on Harnessing microRNAs for cancer immunotherapy
Non-atherosclerotic thrombosis and multiorgan damage in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome: From mechanism to therapy
Senior Researcher : Vicente Andrés García Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). Madrid -
In vivo neuronal precise reprogramming and rejuvenating in Alzheimer’s disease
Senior Researcher : Albert Giralt Torroella Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona.more information on In vivo neuronal precise reprogramming and rejuvenating in Alzheimer’s disease
Pulmonary surfactant-based nanomedicines for lung-targeted therapies (Nanosurf)
Senior Researcher : Susana Carregal Romero Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales CIC biomaGUNEmore information on Pulmonary surfactant-based nanomedicines for lung-targeted therapies (Nanosurf)
Multifunctional nanomaterials for the treatment of osteoarticular prosthesis infections (Nano4Infection)
Senior Researcher : Isabel Izquierdo Barba Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Trophoblast Invasion: New Insights into Cancer Metastasis using Human Placenta
Senior Researcher : Vicente Pérez García Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipemore information on Trophoblast Invasion: New Insights into Cancer Metastasis using Human Placenta
Gαq interactome in cell homeostasis and communication: impact on tissue architecture remodeling and endothelial dysfunction
Senior Researcher : Catalina Ribas Núñez Research Centre or Institution : Fundación Severo Ochoa, CBM -
Identification at single-cell level of molecular and metabolomic mechanisms governing antitumoral response of CAR T therapies in MM patients (M4CART)
Senior Researcher : Idoia Ochoa Álvarez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona. -
Targeting extracellular vesicle mediated intercellular communication: a rational approach for the treatment of cancer metastasis
Senior Researcher : Santiago Ramón y Cajal Agueras Research Centre or Institution : Institut de Recerca Vall d’Hebron -
Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenases Deficiency (MADD): a preclinical animal model and a rational approach for drug design targeting mitochondrial metabolism
Senior Researcher : Laura Formentini Research Centre or Institution : Fundación Severo Ochoa, CBM -
Transgenerational and epigenetic consequences of dietary intake of nanoplastics
Senior Researcher : María del Carmen López de las Hazas Mingomore information on Transgenerational and epigenetic consequences of dietary intake of nanoplastics
Study of the role of RNA methylation in transposable element control during aging (RNAMETAGEING)
Senior Researcher : Diana Guallar Artal Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. -
Circulating exovesicles as markers of early diagnosis of CHAGas disease (PRECHAG).
Senior Researcher : Luis Miguel Pablos Torró Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granada -
Ultra-Bright Open Cavity Photon Sources (ULTRA-BRIGHT)
Senior Researcher : Carlos Antón Solanas Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on Ultra-Bright Open Cavity Photon Sources (ULTRA-BRIGHT)
Gut-Finder, an AI-based technology to Promote Healthy Aging
Senior Researcher : José Alberto Díaz-Ruiz Ruizmore information on Gut-Finder, an AI-based technology to Promote Healthy Aging
Pushing the Boundaries of CO2 electrocatalysis to fuels using Automatized Catalyst Development (ElectroFuel)
Senior Researcher : Julio Lloret-Fillol Research Centre or Institution : Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ) -
Phenotyping of animal models of rare diseases with visual disability
Senior Researcher : Lluís Montoliu José Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madridmore information on Phenotyping of animal models of rare diseases with visual disability
Thermoelectric micro-generator to obtain portable and sustainable energy
Senior Researcher : Olga Caballero Calero Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología - CNM - CSIC. Madridmore information on Thermoelectric micro-generator to obtain portable and sustainable energy
Understanding the connection between ROS/RNS homeostasis and the circadian signalling network: beyond the genetic level
Senior Researcher : María del Carmen Martí Ruiz Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC) -
Biointeractomics on DNA Damage Response in Homeostasis and Disease
Senior Researcher : Irene Díaz Moreno Research Centre or Institution : cicCartuja - IIQ, US - CSIC. Sevillamore information on Biointeractomics on DNA Damage Response in Homeostasis and Disease
Immediate and universal diagnosis of infectious diseases based on optomechanical capillaries
Senior Researcher : Eduardo Gil Santos Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología - CNM - CSIC. Madrid -
Mammalian-bacterial cell interaction: the role of sphingolipids, and a novel investigate approach
Senior Researcher : Félix María Goñi Urcelay Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Biofisika. CSIC. UPV/EHU. Vizcaya -
Dissecting the role of the hepatocyte Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) pathway in the cellular interactome within the liver fibrotic niche
Senior Researcher : Isabel Fabregat Romero Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Barcelona. -
Role of mitochondrial disfunction in the energy collapse associated to aging and frailty. Basci an translational aspects
Senior Researcher : José Viña Ribes Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia. -
Impacts of climate change on bioelemental stocks and flows and feedbacks on ecosystems and crops – ELEMENTAL CLIMATE
Senior Researcher : Josep Peñuelas Reixach Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales. Barcelona -
The neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 in herplexia: a glycinergic pathology of development
Senior Researcher : Beatriz López Corcuera Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. CSIC - UAM -
Tumor microbiome and immune profiles as predictors of treatment response in high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIT-BC Study)
Senior Researcher : Nuria Malats Riera y Ravid Straussman Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas. Madrid y el Weizman Institute of Science. Rehovot -
Spanish National Brain Metastasis Network (RENACER): Implementation, Development and Coordination
Senior Researcher : Eva Ortega Paíno Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Exploring post-translational regulation of angiogenic and inflammatory-related processes during colorectal cancer progession and differential recurrence
Senior Researcher : Petronila Penela Márquez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. CSIC - UAM -
Serum markers in patients with congenital melanocytic nevi: clinicopathological and genetic correlation
Senior Researcher : Pedro Redondo Bellón Research Centre or Institution : Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona -
Regioselective manipulation of carbon spheres to revolutionize the efficiency of solar cells (RegioSolar)
Senior Researcher : Xavier Ribas Salamaña Research Centre or Institution : Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona -
Propionic acidemia: impact on the epigenome and the proteome in relation to the cardiac and neurological phenotype
Senior Researcher : Eva María Richard Rodríguez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. CSIC - UAM -
Nutritional formulae for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic (AA) deficiency control in extreme premature infants
Senior Researcher : Miguel Sáenz de Pipaón Marcos Research Centre or Institution : Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. -
Molecular imaging of the infection by Clostridiodes difficile
Senior Researcher : Beatriz Salinas Rodríguez Research Centre or Institution : Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón. Madridmore information on Molecular imaging of the infection by Clostridiodes difficile
Age-related Hearing loss and Dementia
Senior Researcher : Manuel Sánchez Malmierca Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León. Universidad de Salamanca -
Cell-derived EXOsomes engineering with microFLUIDics for efficient Targeted Therapies: ExoFluidTT
Senior Researcher : Víctor Sebastián Cabeza Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Zaragoza -
Effects of static magnetic fields on the brain: study of the mechanisms
Senior Researcher : Vanesa Soto León Research Centre or Institution : Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicosmore information on Effects of static magnetic fields on the brain: study of the mechanisms
Characterization of macromolecular targets as a key to understanding, diagnosis and design of therapies in rare diseases
Senior Researcher : Vicente Rubio Zamora Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia. CSIC. -
Dissecting a neuron-to-liver crosstalk to modulate lipid metabolism in Batten disease
Senior Researcher : Juan Pedro Bolaños Hernández Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biología Funcional y Genómica, Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC -
Gene therapy to correct glutaric aciduria type 1 in Gcdh -1- mice
Senior Researcher : Cristina Fillat Fonts Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Barcelona.more information on Gene therapy to correct glutaric aciduria type 1 in Gcdh -1- mice
Systems medicine applied to the identification of new therapeutic targets in rare genetic-based diseases
Senior Researcher : Juan Antonio García Ranea Research Centre or Institution : CIBERER. Universidad de Málaga -
Advanced gene editing technologies to restore LAMA2 on merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A
Senior Researcher : Marc Güell Cargol Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona -
Molecular mechanisms underlying Zic2-associated holoprosencephaly
Senior Researcher : Eloisa Herrera González de Molina Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Neurociencias. CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernández. Alicante.more information on Molecular mechanisms underlying Zic2-associated holoprosencephaly
New insights on Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome, a novel connection with DNA repair
Senior Researcher : Pablo Huertas Sánchez Research Centre or Institution : Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER)more information on New insights on Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome, a novel connection with DNA repair
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in human diseases
Senior Researcher : Pablo Lapunzina Badía Research Centre or Institution : INGEMM-Hospital Universitario La Paz-CIBERER. Madridmore information on Artificial intelligence and machine learning in human diseases
Novel immunotherapeutic strategies against T-ALL, a rare pediatric disease
Senior Researcher : María Luisa Toribio García Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmore information on Novel immunotherapeutic strategies against T-ALL, a rare pediatric disease
Therapeutic strategy against Huntington's disease through the synergistic activation of AMPK
Senior Researcher : Rafael Vázquez Manrique Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe. Valencia -
Molecular mechanisms in the development of scoliosis in limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
Senior Researcher : Juan Viña Ribes Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia. -
Integration of genomic and epigenomics strategies for the analysis of T lymphoblastic neoplasms in the context of a precision individualized medicine
Senior Researcher : José Fernández Piqueras Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Developing a targeted therapy to promote melanoma immune-recognition and suppress metastasis
Senior Researcher : Héctor Peinado Selgas Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Precision medicine approach to target deregulated metabolism in multiple myeloma
Senior Researcher : Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño Research Centre or Institution : TECNUN, Escuela de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Navarramore information on Precision medicine approach to target deregulated metabolism in multiple myeloma
p38α in control of UV-induced melanoma development and progression
Senior Researcher : Juan Ángel Recio Conde Research Centre or Institution : Fundació Institut Recerca Vall d´Hebron. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelonamore information on p38α in control of UV-induced melanoma development and progression
Precision medicine: GEF activators of the SOS family as therapeutic targets in Ras-dependent tumors
Senior Researcher : Eugenio Santos de Dios Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer. Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC. -
Identification of novel immunotherapeutic targets in lung and melanoma brain metastases
Senior Researcher : Joan Seoane Suárez Research Centre or Institution : Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, VHIO -
Reactive astrocytes as a therapeutic target in brain metastasis
Senior Researcher : Manuel Valiente Cortés Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madridmore information on Reactive astrocytes as a therapeutic target in brain metastasis
Heterogeneity in melanoma metastasis and resistance to immune checkpoint blockade
Senior Researcher : María S. Soengas y Yardena Samuels Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas. Madrid y el Weizman Institute of Science. Rehovot -
Synthetic nanoparticles as an innovative treatment for sepsis (SPRINT-4-SEPSIS)
Senior Researcher : Antonio Artigas Raventós Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Parc Taulí (I3PT), Corporación Sanitaria i Universitaria Parc Taulímore information on Synthetic nanoparticles as an innovative treatment for sepsis (SPRINT-4-SEPSIS)
Risk Assesment of Bacterial Sepsis using multiomic and bioinformatics tools: an approach towards the Precision Medicine in Infectious Diseases
Senior Researcher : María Teresa Coque González -
Extracellular vesicles biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of post-surgical septic shock
Senior Researcher : Eduardo Tamayo Gómez Research Centre or Institution : Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid -
Significance of brain glucose hypometabolism and of altered insulin signal transduction in an experimental model of amiotrophic lateral esclerosis (ALE)
Senior Researcher : Enrique Blázquez Fernández Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Investigation on hybrid molecules as powerful novel therapeutic approaches for Multiple Sclerosis and myelin- related rare diseases
Senior Researcher : Fernando de Castro Soubriet Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid. -
Progression of different forms of multiple sclerosis related to the stem/progenitor cells potential
Senior Researcher : Laura López Mascaraque Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid. -
Functional characterization and mechanisms of the signalling kinase MOK in neuroinfiammation associated to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Senior Researcher : Cintia Roodveldt Research Centre or Institution : Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER) -
New messengers in the intreactome between hepatic and extra-hepatic cells in non' alcoholic fatty liver disease with diagnostic value
Senior Researcher : Ángela María Martínez Valverde Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Interactome rewiring by phosphorylation and acetylation barcodes: implications in metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer
Senior Researcher : Federico Mayor Menéndez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Identification and modelling of molecular and cellular events of the immune response associated to the appearance of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients
Senior Researcher : Carmina Montoliu Felix Research Centre or Institution : Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana (Fundación INCLIVA) -
Interactome with the host cells of the Trypanosoma cruzi Exovesicles and the immunocomplexes; Implications in the pathology of the Chagas Disease
Senior Researcher : Antonio Osuna Carrillo de Albornoz Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granada -
Comprehensive virus-host protein interactome by the use of yeast-two-hybrid coupled to next-generation sequencing analysis
Senior Researcher : Margarita Salas Falgueras Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Dynamic T cell centrosomal protein network controls exosome-mediated anti-pathogen activity in dendritic cells: FOSTER interactome
Senior Researcher : Francisco Sánchez Madrid Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Microbiota, minerals and exposure to toxics interactions during the first 1000 days of life: identification of biomarkers and development of new dietary strategies
Senior Researcher : María Carmen Collado Amores Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA). CSIC. -
Production of second generation prebiotics and polyphenol glycosides. Validation of its bioactive properties for use in functional food
Senior Researcher : María Fernández Lobato Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Biotechnological use of the circadian clock to obtain plants with improved productivity, nutritional quality and resilience to climate change
Senior Researcher : Paloma Mas Martínez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Regulación Agrigenómica-CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB -
Nutritional strategies and bioactive compounds to target lipid metabolism alterations in cancer: Platform of Patient derived Paired Organoids for Precision Nutrition
Senior Researcher : Ana Ramírez Molina Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA) en Alimentación. Madrid. -
Novel proton-conducting MOF composites for fuel cell devices
Senior Researcher : Patricia Horcajada Cortés Research Centre or Institution : IMDEA Energía.more information on Novel proton-conducting MOF composites for fuel cell devices
Nanostructured multifunctional membranes for the production of solar fuels by artificial photosynthesis
Senior Researcher : Víctor Antonio de la Peña O’Shea Research Centre or Institution : IMDEA Energía. -
Beyond biogas as renewable energy source: conversion to methanol through metallic nanoparticles embedded in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
Senior Researcher : Antonio Sánchez Ferrer Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. -
Graphene hot-carrier solar cell (SuGaR)
Senior Researcher : Elisa Antolín Fernández Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Energía Solar. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -
Magnetoplasmonic control (actuation and monitoring) of drug release using Fe/Au semi‐shells on biodegradable nanoparticles (MAGPLADRUG)
Senior Researcher : Alejandro Gómez Roca Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Bellaterra, Barcelona. -
Controlled ultracold atomic arrays: a new platform for quantum technologies (CODEC)
Senior Researcher : Leticia Tarruell Pellegrin Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas, ICFO. Barcelona -
Search for superconducting materials of high critical temperature
Senior Researcher : Regino Sáez Puche Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Energía Solar. Universidad Politécnica de Madridmore information on Search for superconducting materials of high critical temperature
The function of the E3 ubiquitin ligase APC/C-Cdh1 in Fragile X Syndrome. Possible therapeutic application
Senior Researcher : Ángeles Almeida Parra Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IBSAL). CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca. -
A knowledge-based pipeline to increase the diagnosis rate of Rare Diseases using deep sequencing
Senior Researcher : Carmen Ayuso García Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz (IIS-FJD, UAM). CIBERER. Madrid. -
Systemic analysis of the gene regulatory networks involved in the specification and maintenance of the retinal pigment epithelium: towards new therapies for retinal degenerative diseases
Senior Researcher : Paola Bovolenta Nicolao Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Dyskeratosis congenita. New models, New molecular keys and New treatments
Senior Researcher : María Luisa Cayuela Fuentes Research Centre or Institution : Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria Virgen de la Arrixaca. El Palmar, Murcia.more information on Dyskeratosis congenita. New models, New molecular keys and New treatments
Molecular basis of immune deficiency in Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (4p-)
Senior Researcher : César Cobaleda Hernández Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmore information on Molecular basis of immune deficiency in Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (4p-)
Visualisation of neuronal polysomal architecture and its alterations in Huntington's Disease
Senior Researcher : José Jesús Fernández Rodríguez Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madrid -
Modeling of familial cerebral cavernous malformation through cellular reprogramming
Senior Researcher : Miguel Ángel Fidalgo Pérez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Crónicas (CiMUS). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela -
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors as Friedreich's ataxia treatment
Senior Researcher : Pilar González Cabo Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER de Enfermedades Raras). Facultad de Medicina y Odontología. Universidad de Valenciamore information on Phosphodiesterase inhibitors as Friedreich's ataxia treatment
Activation of innate immunity in dysferlin-deficient cells: new therapeutic targets
Senior Researcher : Noemí de Luna Salvà -
The connection between rare diseases and common diseases: dysfunction of copper homeostasis and mitochondria as a model (NeuroCopper)
Senior Researcher : Francesc Palau Martínez Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Sant Joan de Déu y Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Barcelona. -
Towards the improvement of diagnosis and treatment in Congenital Dyserythropoyetic Anaemias
Senior Researcher : María del Carmen Sánchez Fernández Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación contra la Leucemia Josep Carreras (IJC). Barcelona. -
Astrocytes: new anti-epileptic targets in Lafora disease
Senior Researcher : Pascual Felipe Sanz Bigorramore information on Astrocytes: new anti-epileptic targets in Lafora disease
AGC1 deficiency and calcium signaling in mitochondria: a new disease model for the study of pathogenic mechanisms and for the development of therapeutic strategies
Senior Researcher : Jorgina Satrústegui Gil-Delgado Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Genomic and transcriptomic study of circulating tumor lymphocytes for the development of biomarkers associated with the response to treatment with inhibitors of the PD-L1 / PD1 pathway in patients with NSCLC
Senior Researcher : Ángel Carracedo Álvarez Research Centre or Institution : Fundación Pública Gallega de Medicina Genómica. Santiago de Compostela. -
Development of new targets for immunotherapy in cancer metastasis
Senior Researcher : José Ignacio Casal Álvarez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC)more information on Development of new targets for immunotherapy in cancer metastasis
Gene editing of key transcription factors to improve the antitumor efficacy of Adoptive T cell Therapy
Senior Researcher : Juan José Lasarte Sagastibelza -
Development and validation of an aerosol with intelligent nanoparticles in order to treat lung cancer
Senior Researcher : Eva Martín del Valle Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Salamanca -
The Role of Dido in Lymphoid and Myeloid Development and Its Implications in Neoplasia
Senior Researcher : Carlos Martínez Alonso Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madrid -
From preclinical models to the patient: a holistic investigation of immunotherapies in multiple myeloma
Investigador Principal: Enrique María Ocio San Miguel -
Transforming EGFR expressing tumors into immune-rejectable tissues
Investigador Principal: Fernando Pastor Rodríguezmás información sobre Transforming EGFR expressing tumors into immune-rejectable tissues
Development and preclinical testing of simultaneous dual engagement chimeric antigen receptors (SiDECARs) against acute myeloid leukemia
Investigador Principal: Hisse Martien van Santen Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Study of EBV, HHV-6A AND HHV-6B MICRO-RNAs in plasma isolated exosomes of patients with multiple sclerosis: correlation with activity and progression of disease
Investigador Principal: Roberto Álvarez Lafuente Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC). Madrid. -
Modulation of exosomes transporting miRNAs and lncRNAs for intercellular communication as therapeutic tools in dyslipidemia treatment
Investigador Principal: Alberto Dávalos Herrera -
Characterization of infection biomarkers and possible drug targets present into exosome vesicles generated during in vitro and in vivo infection by Leishmania infantum
Investigador Principal: Vicente Emilio Larraga Rodríguez de Vera Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) -
Applicability of exosomes as predictors of response to treatment and prognosis in breast cancer: cellular modifications induced by the interaction of exovesicles
Investigador Principal: Fernando Rodríguez Serrano -
Investigating the molecular mechanisms of exosome production under cellular stress
Investigador Principal: Antonio Zorzano Olarte Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB) Barcelona. -
WIP differential interactome during its oncogenic or tumor suppressor activity
Investigador Principal: Inés María Antón Gutiérrez Centro de investigación o Institución: CIBERNED/CNB-CSIC. Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas-Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. Madridmás información sobre WIP differential interactome during its oncogenic or tumor suppressor activity
Role of the lysosomal protein LAMP2 in the AD-like phenotype induced by HSV-1: Study of the LAMP2 interactome in virus infected neurons
Investigador Principal: María Jesús Bullido Gómez-Heras Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Interactions of the protein N-acetylglucosamine kinase with different elements of gene regulation in Yarrowia lipolytica
Investigador Principal: Carlos Gancedo Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Identification of the nucleotide cellular sensor and its interactome
Investigador Principal: Marçal Pastor Anglada Centro de investigación o Institución: CIBEREHD - Universidad de Barcelonamás información sobre Identification of the nucleotide cellular sensor and its interactome
Development of therapeutic compounds based on the molecular interaction sites between the A238L viral protein and the transcriptional complexes that regulate the synthesis of pro-inflammatory and tumor mediators
Investigador Principal: Yolanda Revilla Novella Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Effect of mutations in the glucocerebrosidase-1 gene on iPS cell-derived neurons from Parkinson´s disease patients. Rescue of the phenotype and cell transplantation
Investigador Principal: Carlos Vicario Abejón Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid. -
Regeneration as a model to identify molecular mechanisms involved in cellular reprogramming
Investigador Principal: Antonio Baonza Cuenca Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Role of Purinergic signaling in human cortical development. A cerebral organoid-based approach
Investigador Principal: María Teresa Miras-Portugal Centro de investigación o Institución: Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular IV. Universidad Complutense. Madrid -
New food-derived bioactive products against obesity and diabetes
Investigador Principal: Pablo José Fernández Marcos Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA) en Alimentación. Madrid.más información sobre New food-derived bioactive products against obesity and diabetes
Advanced photo systems with biocidal properties for coatings development with application in food and hospital safety
Investigador Principal: Ana Iglesias Juez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica. CSIC. Madrid. -
Using animal models for testing interventions targeting malnutrition and stunting in children
Investigador Principal: Fernando Martín Belmonte Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Development of Lab-on-a-chip nanostructured sensors for the detection of pathogens and food-borne chemical agents based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
Investigador Principal: Jorge Pérez Juste -
Novel insights, tools and measures to mitigate emerging risk by yeasts in the food chain
Investigador Principal: Amparo Querol Simón Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos. CSIC. Paterna, Valencia. -
Towards a new paradigm in the identification of hazards and evaluation of the safety and risk of neurotoxicity associated to the exposure to nanomaterials with biotechnological applications
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Sogorb Sánchez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Bioingeniería. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. -
Latent heat thermal energy storage by urea-based eutectic mixtures
Investigador Principal: Álvaro Campos Celador Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU).más información sobre Latent heat thermal energy storage by urea-based eutectic mixtures
Heterogeneous biomimetic catalysts based on functionalized organic-inorganic hybrid networks to produce hydrogen
Investigador Principal: Mª Dolores Esquivel Merino Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Química Fina y Nanoquímica. Universidad de Córdoba. -
Sunlight on nanocatalysts to lower global energy use, emissions and pollution
Investigador Principal: María González Béjar Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Ciencia Molecular. Universidad de Valencia.más información sobre Sunlight on nanocatalysts to lower global energy use, emissions and pollution
Efficient materials for the capture and selective transformation of CO2 towards value-added chemicals
Investigador Principal: Manuel Moliner Marín Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Tecnología Química. CSIC-Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. -
Metal-organic frameworks as heterogeneous photocatalysts for CO2 reduction and H2 generation using H2O
Investigador Principal: Sergio Navalón Oltra Centro de investigación o Institución: Departamento de Química. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia -
Development of Mimics of Hidrogenases Modulated by Transition Metal Complexes to Produce Hydrogen in the Absence of Molecular Reducing Agents
Investigador Principal: Miguel A. Sierra Rodríguez -
Photoproduction of hydrogen with atomic quantum clusters using visible light
Investigador Principal: Carlos Vázquez Vázquez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas. Laboratorio NANOMAG. Santiago de Compostela.más información sobre Photoproduction of hydrogen with atomic quantum clusters using visible light
Graphene: macrophage biomaterials: functional characterization for the use in cardiovascular pathologies
Investigador Principal: Lisardo Boscá Gomar Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Controlling the magnetism and electronic transport of graphene samples at the atomic scale
Investigador Principal: Iván Brihuega Álvarez Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Graphene-based flexible neural interfaces for the peripheral nervous system
Investigador Principal: José Antonio Garrido Ariza Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Bellaterra, Barcelona.más información sobre Graphene-based flexible neural interfaces for the peripheral nervous system
Tracing tissue damage and the adaptive response in rare hereditary haemochromatosis for the identification of specific therapeutic targets
Investigador Principal: José Manuel Bautista Santa Cruz Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Hospital 2 de Octubre. Madrid. -
Cellular response to blocked breakages of DNA and its role in the pathogenesis of Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Investigador Principal: Felipe Cortés Ledesma Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER) -
Characterisation of MORC2, a new gene involved in peripheral neuropathies
Investigador Principal: Carmen Espinós Armero Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipemás información sobre Characterisation of MORC2, a new gene involved in peripheral neuropathies
Molecular therapy for Laminopathies
Investigador Principal: Ana María González García Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madrid -
New mechanisms for regulating the immune response for lamin A/C and progerine: implications in Hutchinson-Gilford premature ageing síndrome
Investigador Principal: José María González-Granado Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). Madrid -
Models for congenital muscular dystrophies: the search for phenotype suppressors
Investigador Principal: Enrique Martín Blanco Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona. CSIC. -
Identification of the function of the Wt1gene in Huntington's disease
Investigador Principal: Ofelia M. Martínez Estrada Centro de investigación o Institución: Departamento de Biología Celular. Universidad de Barcelonamás información sobre Identification of the function of the Wt1gene in Huntington's disease
Propionic acidemia: a study which has the aim of optimising its nutritional treatment, metabolic control and quality of life
Investigador Principal: Mercedes Martínez-Pardo Casanova Centro de investigación o Institución: CSUR (Centro de Referencia Nacional) de Enfermedades Metabólicas poco frecuentes. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid) -
Study of the molecular bases of hereditary blindness
Investigador Principal: Ana Méndez Zunzunegui Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Barcelona.más información sobre Study of the molecular bases of hereditary blindness
Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Basic mechanisms and treatment
Investigador Principal: Marta Nieto López Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madridmás información sobre Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Basic mechanisms and treatment
Precision medicine in Primary Immunodeficiencies: deciphering new genetic etiologies by means of "omic" approaches
Investigador Principal: Rebeca Pérez de Diego Centro de investigación o Institución: IdiPAZ, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. -
The nuclear lamin in Huntington's disease: its role in the pathology and therapeutic applications
Investigador Principal: Esther Pérez-Navarro Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de Barcelona. -
Genome and transcriptome analysis to identify splicing defects and in vivo evaluation of antisense therapy
Investigador Principal: Lourdes Ruiz Desviat Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Molecular mechanisms in Dravet's syndrome
Investigador Principal: Francisco Zafra Gómez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre Molecular mechanisms in Dravet's syndrome
Study of intracellular biogenesis and tissue bio-distribution of exosomes for the development of new therapeutic agents
Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel Falcón Pérez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias (CIC bioGUNE) -
Exosomes: new intercellular communicators and their use as therapeutic agents in untreated parasitic diseases
Investigador Principal: Hernando A. del Portillo Obando Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación en Salud Internacional de Barcelona (CRESIB) -
Exosome optimisation for therapeutic use. The role of tetraspan in-rich micro domains in the biogenesis and function of exosomes
Investigador Principal: María Yáñez Mó Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
The structural bases of tumoral development associated with transcription regulating interactome defects
Investigador Principal: Carlos Fernández Tornero Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB) (CSIC) -
Photoselective inhibition of protein-protein interactions to study interactomic networks and the development of new therapies
Investigador Principal: Pau Gorostiza Langa Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC). Barcelona. -
Study of the tissue-specific interactome of the GRK2 node involved in insulin resistance and obesity: pathological repercussions
Investigador Principal: Cristina Murga Montesinos Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
New functional complexes deriving from the interaction of Gaq with proteins that contain PB1 domains, and the possible repercussion of this in cardiovascular pathologies
Investigador Principal: Catalina Ribas Núñez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
The molecular bases of disease: biointeractomics of programmed cell death
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel De la Rosa Acosta Centro de investigación o Institución: cicCartuja, Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis. Universidad de Sevilla-CSICmás información sobre The molecular bases of disease: biointeractomics of programmed cell death
Advanced proteomics and systems biology to study a food allergy
Investigador Principal: Mónica Carrera Mouriño Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM). CSIC. Vigo.más información sobre Advanced proteomics and systems biology to study a food allergy
The detection and elimination of biogenic amines in foods: the design of new biosensors and new amino oxidase catalysts
Investigador Principal: Gloria Fernández Lorente Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL). CSIC-UAM. -
The elimination of endocrine disruptors to improve food security
Investigador Principal: José Luis García López Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB) (CSIC)más información sobre The elimination of endocrine disruptors to improve food security
The development of biotechnological processes for the production of "building blocks" and high added-value glycopolymers with biomedical applications
Investigador Principal: José Miguel Palomo Carmona Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica. CSIC. Madrid. -
The development of economically viable protein based biomimetic templates for use in bone tissue regeneration
Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel Ruso Beiras Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Física. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela -
Methodological advances for obtaining natural biocides to be employed in the food chain based on Mentha spicata extracts
Investigador Principal: Ana Cristina Soria Monzón Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Química Orgánica General. CSIC. Madrid. -
New photocatalysts based on halogenated hybrid perovskites to obtain solar fuels using CO2
Investigador Principal: Pedro Atienzar Corvillo Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Tecnología Química. CSIC-Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. -
The efficient production of solar fuels by means of developing new perovskites with redox capacity for the thermochemical splitting of CO2 and H2O
Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel Coronado Carneiro Centro de investigación o Institución: IMDEA Energía. -
Metal-free redox flow batteries for the storage of renewable energies. (BAT-LIMET)
Investigador Principal: Cristina Flox Donoso Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación Instituto de Investigación en Energía de Cataluña (IREC). Barcelona -
"One-pot" catalysed processes for obtaining fuel and chemical products from furfural derivates sourced in biomass
Investigador Principal: Alberto Marinas Aramendía Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Córdoba -
Superconductor materials at (very) high critical temperature
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Alario y Franco Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Universidad Complutense. Madridmás información sobre Superconductor materials at (very) high critical temperature
High temperature superconductivity in iron materials
Investigador Principal: Elena Bascones Fernández de Velasco Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM). CSIC. Madrid.más información sobre High temperature superconductivity in iron materials
The oncogenic function of IF1: the inhibitor of mitochondrial H+-ATP syntase
Investigador Principal: José Manuel Cuezva Marcos Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre The oncogenic function of IF1: the inhibitor of mitochondrial H+-ATP syntase
Pharmaco-mimetic analysis of the therapeutic value of Vav-dependent metabolic routes in breast cancer
Investigador Principal: Xosé Ramón García Bustelo Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación del Cáncer de Salamanca -
The antitumor effect of GCN2 kinase: the relationship between nutritional stress, protein synthesis and skin cancer
Investigador Principal: César Jesús de Haro Castella Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Oxidise NADPH and the regulation of intermediate leukemic cell metabolism: the search for new therapeutic strategies
Investigador Principal: Ángel Hernández Hernández Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IBSAL). CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca. -
Inhibition of the protein that regulates SLC4A2 cell ion metabolism as a new therapy in leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma
Investigador Principal: José Ángel Martínez-Climent Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada de la Universidad de Navarra -
Studies of tumorigenesis in Drosophila: possible clinical implications
Investigador Principal: Ginés Morata Pérez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre Studies of tumorigenesis in Drosophila: possible clinical implications
The diagnosis of cancer by means of a metabolic nanosensor platform
Investigador Principal: Ángel Orte Gutiérrez Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Granadamás información sobre The diagnosis of cancer by means of a metabolic nanosensor platform
The inhibition of fatty acid syntase lipogenic enzyme (FASN) as a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer
Investigador Principal: Teresa Puig Miquel Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Girona -
The AMPK enzyme, a nexus joined metabolism and cancer. A new therapeutic strategy in cerebral glyoblastomas
Investigador Principal: Rosa Mª Señarís Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Departamento de Fisiología. CIMUS. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela -
The effect of antitumour penetrating peptides based on connexin-43 in the selective metabolic reprogramming of human glyoma stem cells
Investigador Principal: Aránzazu Tabernero Urbieta Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León. Universidad de Salamanca. -
Molecular characterisation of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in tumoral development
Investigador Principal: Ignacio Alejandro Varela Egocheaga Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria. CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria-SODERCAN. -
Epigenetic study in vivo of the role of retinoic acid in the regeneration of ciliate cells
Investigador Principal: Berta Alsina Español Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Pompeu Fabra-PRBB. Barcelona. -
Cellular therapy for West's syndrome
Investigador Principal: Manuel Álvarez Dolado Centro de investigación o Institución: CABIMER. CSIC -
Chicken embryonic stem cells. Study of the differentiation between somatic and germinal lineages and between mesodermic and endodermic lineages
Investigador Principal: Federica Bertocchini Bertocchini Centro de investigación o Institución: IBBTEC-Universidad de Cantabria-CSIC. Santander. -
Study of the neuroprotector capacity of the epithelial cells of the choroid plexi as a potential regenerative therapy for Alzheimer's disease
Investigador Principal: Eva María Carro Díaz Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Hospital 2 de Octubre. Madrid. -
The generation of iPSC cells for the study of neurodevelopmental diseases: autism and William's syndrome
Investigador Principal: Ivon Cuscó Martí Centro de investigación o Institución: Centros de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER)-Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona -
Nanotechnologically reprogrammed cellular medicines
Investigador Principal: Marcos García Fuentes Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Singular en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Crónicas. Universidad de Santiago de Compostelamás información sobre Nanotechnologically reprogrammed cellular medicines
In vivo nuclear reprogramming and the functional interrelationship between p27 and SOX2
Investigador Principal: Manuel Serrano Marugán Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Myosin II integrates the mechanical signals of the cellular micro-environment and controls the migration and differentiation of stem cells
Investigador Principal: Miguel Vicente Manzanares Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
The subarachnoid administration of previously cryopreserved allogenic stromal cells in traumatic spinal lesion
Investigador Principal: Mercedes Zurita Castillo Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda. Madrid. -
The complete sequencing of the exomic genome of systemic lupus erythematosus in families of European origin with multiple cases: the identification of rare mutations and their functional consequences
Investigador Principal: Marta Eugenia Alarcón Riquelme Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Pfizer. Universidad de Granada. Junta de Andalucía de Genómica e Investigación Oncológica (GENYO). Granada -
The identification of new genes responsible for Hereditary Dystrophies of the Retina using Next-Generation Sequencing technology and the determination of associated pathogenic mechanisms
Investigador Principal: Guillermo Antiñolo Gil Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. -
Chronic activation of the TGF‑beta route in Marfan's syndrome: deregulation of intracellular traffic and the extracellular matrix
Investigador Principal: Gustavo Egea Guri Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Barcelona. -
The transplant of bioengineered skin for cutaneous regeneration in patients with Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
Investigador Principal: María José Escámez Toledano Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
The correction of fibroblasts with mutations causing Wiskott Aldrich syndrome by means of adeno-associated viruses (AAV). The effects of corrective methods on cellular reprogramming by means of episomal vectors
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel de la Fuente García Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biología y Genética Molecular (IBGM).Valladolid. -
The identification of genetic factors predicting for clonal progression in Systemic Mastocytosis
Investigador Principal: Andrés Celestino García Montero Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer. Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC. -
Modification of the folding and function of mutated opsins by cellular factors as a new therapeutic strategy for degenerative diseases of the retina
Investigador Principal: Pere Garriga Solé Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Barcelona. -
Cdk5: a therapeutic target for the treatment of motor and cognitive deficits in Huntington's disease
Investigador Principal: Silvia Ginés Padrós Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de Barcelona. -
Modulation of the pathological accumulation of glycogen: therapeutic target for the treatment of Glycogenosis
Investigador Principal: Joan J. Guinovart Cirera Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB) Barcelona. -
Directed neuronal differentiation of stem-like glioma initiating cells
Investigador Principal: Núria de la Iglesia Zaragoza Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Barcelona.más información sobre Directed neuronal differentiation of stem-like glioma initiating cells
Analysis of the contribution of CRB2 protein to the establishment and permanence of adherent joins in the pigmentary epithelium, and its relationship with retinal dystrophies
Investigador Principal: Mª Concepción Lillo Delgado Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León. Universidad de Salamanca. -
Molecular mechanisms, experimental models and therapeutic approaches in Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia (DLFT-TDP)
Investigador Principal: Ángeles Martín Requero Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) -
The development of molecular scalpels for the repair of genes involved in single gene diseases
Investigador Principal: Guillermo Montoya Blanco Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Dominant autosomal sensorineural hypoacusis: expansion of molecular diagnosis by applying new technologies, undertaking functional analysis and creating murine models
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Moreno Pelayo Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, IRYCIS. Madrid. -
Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome: molecular mechanisms and a therapeutic approach in the murine model of the disease
Investigador Principal: Beatriz Morte Molina Centro de investigación o Institución: Centros de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER). Madrid -
Pathological mechanisms in Lysinuria with protein intolerance
Investigador Principal: Manuel Palacín Prieto Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB) Barcelona.más información sobre Pathological mechanisms in Lysinuria with protein intolerance
Study of the functional implications of GRK2 serine-threonine kinase in Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Investigador Principal: Petronila Penela Márquez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Hereditary metabolic diseases: searching for new genes that cause diseases and research into new therapeutic strategies
Investigador Principal: Mª del Pilar Rodríguez Pombo Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Translational Research into rare diseases of iron metabolism using massive parallel sequencing
Investigador Principal: Mª del Carmen Sánchez Fernández Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Medicina Predictiva y Personalizada del Cáncer. Barcelona. -
Study of the role of PSGL-1 in the control of the development of autoimmune diseases
Investigador Principal: Ana Carmen Urzainqui Mayayo Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario de la Princesa. Madrid. -
Clinical and molecular genetics study of recessive autosomal congenital icthyosis in Spain
Investigador Principal: Ana Vega Gliemmo Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación Pública Gallega de Medicina Genómica. Santiago de Compostela. -
The molecular bases for variability in the presentation and clinical development of Wilson's disease
Investigador Principal: Ignacio Vicente-Sandoval Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Study of the methylome/genome relationship and their points in common in systemic autoimmune diseases: SLE, RA and SSc
Investigador Principal: Esteban Ballestar Tarín Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Barcelona. -
Nutri-epigenetics of the control of body adiposity: studies in animal models of differing susceptibility to obesity based on nutritional interventions in early stages in life
Investigador Principal: María Luisa Bonet Piña Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de las Islas Baleares. Mallorca -
Epigenome and transcriptome of nociception (Functional epigenomics of nociception)
Investigador Principal: Ángel Manuel Carrión Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla -
The acetylomes of neural differentiation
Investigador Principal: Mario Fernández Fraga Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Universitario de Oncología del Principado de Asturias (IUOPA)-Universidad de Oviedo.más información sobre The acetylomes of neural differentiation
Epigenetic alterations in tetraploid neurones and Alzheimer's disease
Investigador Principal: José María Frade López Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid.más información sobre Epigenetic alterations in tetraploid neurones and Alzheimer's disease
Experimental study of the epigenetic implications of changes in the composition of fatty acids in the diet during pregnancy and their consequences for adult offspring
Investigador Principal: Emilio Herrera Castillón Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Madrid. -
The epigenetic regulation of reelin in Alzheimer's disease
Investigador Principal: Javier Sáez Valero Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Neurociencias. CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernández. Alicante.más información sobre The epigenetic regulation of reelin in Alzheimer's disease
The intracellular administration of drugs controlled by biomimetic nano-injectors
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Correa Duarte Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de Vigo. -
The development of biomimetic affinity sensors, based on the molecular printing of polymers prepared by electrodeposition. Application to the detection of metabolites
Investigador Principal: Francisco Montilla Jiménez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Universitario de Materiales de Alicante. Universidad de Alicante. -
The biomimetic sealing of dental implants (BIOSELLADO)
Investigador Principal: Daniel Rodríguez Rius Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Barcelona.más información sobre The biomimetic sealing of dental implants (BIOSELLADO)
Study of the invasion and intracellular traffic of photobacterium damselae subs. piscicida with non-immune cells of the gilthead (sparus aurata)
Investigador Principal: Félix Acosta Arbelo Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Universitario de Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. -
Reconstruction of the velocity field of ocean currents at a global scale based on satellite observations in the microwave spectrum
Investigador Principal: Jordi Isern Fontanet Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Catalán de Ciencias del Clima (IC3). Barcelona. -
The isolation and characterisation of marine bacteria with quorum-quenching activity for the treatment of infectious bacterial diseases
Investigador Principal: Ana María Otero Casal Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. -
The influence of the structure of combustion aerosols on climate change (AEROCLIMA)
Investigador Principal: Esther Coz Diego Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) -
The development of a new generation of nanostructures for the elimination of greenhouse gases (NANO-GEI)
Investigador Principal: Francisco Javier Lafuente Sancho Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. -
The influence of climate change on the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Investigador Principal: María Teresa Muniesa Pérez Centro de investigación o Institución: Universidad de Barcelona. -
Molecular strategies for the biorepair of mining soils and the maintenance of the balance of atmospheric CO2
Investigador Principal: María C. Romero Puertas Centro de investigación o Institución: Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC. Granada -
Azotobacter vinelandii as bio-factories for producing hydrogen
Investigador Principal: Juan Imperial Ródenas Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas. Universidad Politécnica de Madridmás información sobre Azotobacter vinelandii as bio-factories for producing hydrogen
Using genetic engineering to obtain strains of Clostridium cellulolyticum and Rhodobacter capsulatus that overproduce hydrogen
Investigador Principal: Alberto Sola Landa Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biotecnología de León (INBIOTEC). -
New therapeutic targets for myotonic dystrophy: analysis of microRNAs in two animal models of the disease
Investigador Principal: Rubén Darío Artero Allepuz Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Valencia -
Molecular genetic study of recessive hereditary autosomal hearing loss, linked to X chromosome and maternal mitochondria
Investigador Principal: Ignacio del Castillo Fernández del Pino Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. -
Study of the possible immunomodulation caused by Anisakis simplex larval antigens
Investigador Principal: María del Carmen Cuéllar del Hoyo Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. Madrid -
Type Gaucher's Disease. Phenotypic variability of bone disorders and their study using techniques of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
Investigador Principal: Francisco España Furió Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario La Fe. Valencia. -
Molecular and cellular bases of mental retardation associated with "Fragile X" syndrome
Investigador Principal: José Antonio Esteban García Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Testing xenoexpression as gene therapy for mitochondrial diseases
Investigador Principal: Patricio Fernández Silva Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragozamás información sobre Testing xenoexpression as gene therapy for mitochondrial diseases
Alternative therapies for inherited metabolic diseases
Investigador Principal: Alejandra Gámez Abascal Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre Alternative therapies for inherited metabolic diseases
Towards a complete model of the molecular network disrupted in Fanconi anaemia
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Genestar Pujana Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Catalán de Oncología. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Barcelona.más información sobre Towards a complete model of the molecular network disrupted in Fanconi anaemia
Involvement of Ras oncogenes in the development of Costello and Noonan syndromes
Investigador Principal: Carmen Guerra González Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Analysis using genetically modified mice of the possible role of alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease
Investigador Principal: José Javier Lucas Lozano Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Structural approach to the molecular basis of two rare kidney diseases
Investigador Principal: Óscar Llorca Blanco Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC)más información sobre Structural approach to the molecular basis of two rare kidney diseases
Genetic and cellular basis of 16p11.2-p12.2 microdeletion syndrome and related neural disorders
Investigador Principal: Marcos Malumbres Martínez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid -
Molecular basis of congenital erythropoietic porphyria. In vivo stability studies of uroporphyrinogen III synthase
Investigador Principal: Óscar Millet Aguilar-Galindo Centro de investigación o Institución: Unidad de Biología Estructural. Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias (CICbioGUNE). Vizcaya. -
Development of a vaccine against Fasciola hepatica based on the use of bioinformatics tools
Investigador Principal: Antonio Muro Álvarez Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigación de Enfermedades Tropicales de la Universidad de Salamanca (CIETUS) -
Sp2-iminosugars as chemical chaperones: a general strategy for the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders
Investigador Principal: Carmen Ortiz Mellet Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Química. Universidad de Sevilla -
Development of a therapy for the treatment of congenital dyskeratosis, X-linked Werner syndrome and aplastic anaemia based on the reactivation of telomerase activity by an internal fragment of dyskerin
Investigador Principal: Rosario Perona Abellón Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Madrid. CSIC-UAM. -
Contributions of aquaporins and transduction proteins in the treatment of achondroplasia
Investigador Principal: Jesús Pintor Just Centro de investigación o Institución: Escuela Universitaria de Óptica. Universidad Complutense. Madrid -
Characterisation of the autoantigen epitope in Goodpasture syndrome using phage display technology
Investigador Principal: Jesús Rodríguez Díaz Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología deAlimentos(IATA). CSIC. Valencia. (Spain). -
Effect of the oleic acid neurotrophic factor in an animal model of Down syndrome. Implications for central nervous system development
Investigador Principal: Ana Velasco Criado Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León. Universidad de Salamanca. -
Transcription factors and heterochromatin formation in Drosophila
Investigador Principal: Natalia Azpiazu Torres Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre Transcription factors and heterochromatin formation in Drosophila
Role of epigenetic mechanisms in the processes of learning and memory
Investigador Principal: Ángel Manuel Carrión Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Faculty of Experimental Sciences. Pablo de Olavide University. Sevillamás información sobre Role of epigenetic mechanisms in the processes of learning and memory
Association between non-coding RNAs in ultra-conserved regions (T-UCR) and the epigenome: involvement in cancer
Investigador Principal: Manel Esteller Badosa Centro de investigación o Institución: Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program. Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL). Barcelona. (Spain) -
Search and identification of new genetic and epigenetic causes of autistic spectrum disorders: design and implementation of a targeted high-resolution array with key elements of the epigenetic machinery
Investigador Principal: María del Carmen Orellana Alonso Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario La Fe. Valencia. -
Epigenetic control of cell differentiation and pluripotency by BRAF35 AND iBRAF proteins
Investigador Principal: José Carlos Reyes Rosa Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CSIC) -
Epigenetic regulation of the maintenance of genomic stability during mitotic and meiotic cell cycle
Investigador Principal: Pedro Antonio San Segundo Nieto Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Microbiología Bioquímica. CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca. -
Epigenetic regulation mediated by Ring1A/Ring1B, the ubiquitin ligases of the Polycomb system
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Vidal Caballero Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) -
Phototherapy: resonant gold nanoparticles in the near infrared for photothermal ablation of tumour cells and for activation of therapeutic genes
Investigador Principal: Manuel Arruebo Gordo Centro de investigación o Institución: Institute of Nanoscience of Aragón. University of Zaragoza. -
Design of new dosage forms for oral administration of immunotherapy for the treatment of food allergy to peanuts
Investigador Principal: Marta Ferrer Puga Centro de investigación o Institución: University Clinic of Navarra. University of Navarra. (Spain). -
Application of biomaterials with angiogenic, antioxidant and regenerative purposes in the central nervous system
Investigador Principal: José Miguel Soria López Centro de investigación o Institución: Faculty of Health Sciences. CEU-Cardenal Herrera University. Valencia. (Spain) -
New multifunctional nanostructured materials for biomedical applications
Investigador Principal: Pablo Taboada Antelo Centro de investigación o Institución: Faculty of Physics. University of Santiago de Compostelamás información sobre New multifunctional nanostructured materials for biomedical applications
Production of recombinant gonadotropins in Senegalese sole: applications for monitoring and control of sexual maturation in aquaculture
Investigador Principal: Joan Cerdà Luque Centro de investigación o Institución: IRTA Laboratory (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology)-Institute of Marine Sciences. CSIC. Barcelona. -
Application of genetic analyses for the creation of germplasm banks in teleostei
Investigador Principal: Vanesa Robles Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Departamento de Biología Molecular e Instituto de Desarrollo Ganadero y Sanidad Animal (INDEGSAL). Universidad de León -
Use of nanospheres as a vehicle for the administration of immunostimulants in species of interest to aquaculture (NANOAQUA)
Investigador Principal: Nerea Roher Armentia Centro de investigación o Institución: Faculty of Biosciences. Autonomous University of Barcelona -
Improvement of the production of fruits and tubers by manipulation of branching patterns in Solanaceae
Investigador Principal: Pilar Cubas Domínguez Centro de investigación o Institución: National Biotechnology Centre. CSIC. Madrid. (Spain). -
Biotechnological basis for the development of functional foods in the field of intestinal maturation, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome
Investigador Principal: Fermín Sánchez de Medina López-Huertas Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Granada -
High resolution profiles of acetylation and methylation of histones in the epigenome of Arabidopsis thaliana: functional connection with the biological clock
Investigador Principal: Paloma Más Martínez Centro de investigación o Institución: Consorcio CSIC-IRTA-UAB. Centro de Investigación en Agrigenómica (CRAG). Barcelona -
H2 production from glycerol with the aid of microbial cells isolated from the extremophile ecosystem of Rio Tinto
Investigador Principal: Víctor Manuel Fernández López Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica. CSIC. Madrid. -
Study of the regulation of protein PSTPIP1 via tyrosine phosphorylation and its contribution to the aetiology of the PAPA autoinflammatory disease
Investigador Principal: Andrés Alonso García Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biología y Genética Molecular. CSIC. Valladolid. -
Detection of molecules related to the mechanism of protection against canine Leishmaniasis. Differential gene expression in cells activated during the protection response induced by the LACK vaccine
Investigador Principal: Vicente Emilio Larraga Rodríguez de Vera Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) -
Therapeutic trials in cells from patients suffering hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasis (HHT) and cell gene therapy employing endothelial progenitor cells in an HHT murine model
Investigador Principal: Luisa María Botella Cubells Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) -
Characterisation of the astrocytic function in megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy
Investigador Principal: Raúl Estévez Povedano Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Bellvitge-Universidad de Barcelona. -
Neurobiological foundations of and genetic susceptibility to fibromyalgia
Investigador Principal: Manuel J. López Pérez Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragozamás información sobre Neurobiological foundations of and genetic susceptibility to fibromyalgia
Integration and modelling of the metabolism and biological effects of the biogenic amines, biomolecules directly involved in rare and emerging diseases
Investigador Principal: Miguel Ángel Medina Torres Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Málaga -
Characterisation and study of the implications of copy number variations in patients with X chromosome-related mental retardation
Investigador Principal: Montserrat Milà Recasens Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica. Hospital Clínic. Barcelona -
Dendritic alterations in Down's Syndrome: the role of the pathway regulating local mTOR translation
Investigador Principal: María de la Luz Montesinos Gutiérrez Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Sevilla -
Molecular foundations of the human ectodermic dysplasia syndrome
Investigador Principal: Paloma Pérez Sánchez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia. CSIC.más información sobre Molecular foundations of the human ectodermic dysplasia syndrome
Study of the role of the epigenetic mechanisms in the Fanconi Anaemia cancer tendency phenotype
Investigador Principal: Carlos Pipaón González Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Universidad de Cantabria. Santander. -
Molecular analysis of the Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome in the EVC3 epiphyseal growth plate and evaluation of the BBS-EvC connection
Investigador Principal: Víctor Luis Ruiz Pérez Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Study of the molecular foundations of congenital malformations: cardiovascular, oculofacial and skeletal
Investigador Principal: María José Trujillo Tiebas Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid -
Synaptogenesis induced by PI3K in memory processes
Investigador Principal: Ángel José Acebes Vindel Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid.más información sobre Synaptogenesis induced by PI3K in memory processes
Alterations of the CREB-dependent genic expression and its consequences in neurodegenerative and cognitive processes: development of new treatments for Huntington's Disease and Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
Investigador Principal: Ángel Barco Guerrero Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Neurociencias. CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernández. Alicante. -
Molecular foundations of the functional role of isoforms by post-transcriptional alternative splicing processing and with neurotrophin 3 receptor insertion (TrkC) in the memory and learning processes dependent on the cortical-hippocampus circuit
Investigador Principal: Mara Dierssen Sotos Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Regulación Genómica. Barcelona -
Functional characterisation of the eIF2alpha, GCN2 and PERK kinases in the molecular memory mechanisms
Investigador Principal: César de Haro Castella Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Photoproduction of bioethanol from CO2 using cyanobacteria
Investigador Principal: Miguel García Guerrero Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis. CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla.más información sobre Photoproduction of bioethanol from CO2 using cyanobacteria
Characterisation of plants' resistance mechanisms against heavy metals
Investigador Principal: Luis Eduardo Hernández Rodríguez Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de Madridmás información sobre Characterisation of plants' resistance mechanisms against heavy metals
Application of alfalfa in phytoextraction of cadmium from contaminated soil
Investigador Principal: José Javier Pueyo Dabad Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Recursos Naturales. Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales. CSIC. Madrid.más información sobre Application of alfalfa in phytoextraction of cadmium from contaminated soil
Mechanisms of resistance to heavy metals in significant species in the Riotinto mining basin
Investigador Principal: Benito Valdés Castrillón Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Sevilla -
Clinical application of pharmacogenetic markers in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Establishment of therapeutic guidelines and recommendations
Investigador Principal: Francisco Barros Angueira Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica. -
Search for differential genetic markers between two different types of response to the same allergenic exposure: tolerance versus sensitisation
Investigador Principal: Blanca Cárdaba Olombrada Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid -
Transportome as a predictive response element: the importance of nucleoside transporters
Investigador Principal: Francisco Javier Casado Merediz Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Barcelona -
Genomic research in patients with an initial schizophrenic episode: identification of genetic and pharmacogenetic markers
Investigador Principal: Benedicto Crespo-Facorro Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Universidad de Cantabria. Santander. -
Clinical genetic studies of a cohort with hereditary Alzheimer's disease (new locus)
Investigador Principal: Adriano Jiménez Escrig Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. -
Pharmacogenetics in colorectal cancer
Investigador Principal: Luis Andrés López Fernández Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón. Madrid -
Geno-tPA: Search for predictive genetic patterns for the progress of patients with ischemic ictus following treatment with t-PA
Investigador Principal: Joan Montaner Villalonga Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundació Institut Recerca Vall d´Hebron. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona -
Implications of mevalonic acid, Wnt and oestrogen pathways in osteoporosis and response to antiresorptive drugs
Investigador Principal: José A. Riancho Moral Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Universidad de Cantabria. Santander. -
Taxane pharmacogenetics: neurotoxicity and therapeutic efficacy
Investigador Principal: Cristina Rodríguez González de Antona Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madridmás información sobre Taxane pharmacogenetics: neurotoxicity and therapeutic efficacy
Study of the impact of genetic polymorphisms in the toxicity of the antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV
Investigador Principal: Sonia María Rodríguez Nóvoa Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Carlos III. Madrid. -
Intestinal inflammatory diseases: susceptibility and pharmacogenetic markers
Investigador Principal: María Elena Urcelay García Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos. Madrid.más información sobre Intestinal inflammatory diseases: susceptibility and pharmacogenetic markers
New cellular and molecular mechanisms for regulating the atheroprotective protein p27 and possible diagnosis applications
Investigador Principal: Vicente Andrés García Centro de investigación o Institución: Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia. CSIC. -
Immunity and atherosclerosis. New connections between the lipidic metabolism and microbial infections
Investigador Principal: Antonio Castrillo Viguera Centro de investigación o Institución: Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria -
Relationship between sensitivity to insulin and the risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease: the European RISC Project
Investigador Principal: Rafael Gabriel Sánchez Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. -
New molecular markers for the formation and development of atherosclerotic plaques: Matrix metalloproteases (MT1-MMP and MT4-MMP) and regulating molecules (EMMPRIN)
Investigador Principal: Alicia García Arroyo Centro de investigación o Institución: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). Madrid -
Implication of the bioactive sphingolipids in atherogenesis. Biophysical and cellular studies
Investigador Principal: Félix Goñi Urcelay Centro de investigación o Institución: Unidad de Biofísica. Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU. Lejona. Vizcaya. -
Influence of genetic and pharmacological factors on innate immunity and immune response in the development of post-transplant arteriosclerosis
Investigador Principal: José María Morales Cerdán Centro de investigación o Institución: Hospital Universitario 2 de Octubre. Madrid. -
Role of chemokines in differentiating monocytes from macrophage/spongy cells and reverse transendothelial migration, in the early stages of arteriosclerosis
Investigador Principal: Paloma Sánchez-Mateos Rubio Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón. Madrid -
Study of the biological role of the new atherosclerosis markers identified by proteomic analysis
Investigador Principal: José Tuñón Fernández Centro de investigación o Institución: Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Fin del contenido principal