Research projects
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The biomimetic sealing of dental implants (BIOSELLADO)
16th national competition for scientific and technical research
Biomimetic models
Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Barcelona.
The objective of this project is to modify the surface of titanium according to biomimetic models, to reduce failures due to bacterial infections in dental implants (peri-implantitis). To this end, the aim is to achieve the biological sealing of the implant with oral tissue by means of anchoring sequences of adhesion for the cells of the gum tissue over a coating that is antiadhesive for bacteria, in combination with the biomimetic deposition of apatite on the surfaces in contact with the bone tissue, to improve osteointegration.
The effect of these modifications will be studied in vitro to evaluate the reduction in bacterial adhesion and growth on the treated surface, as well as to evaluate any possible effects on gingival cells and osteoblasts. Once the best treatments have been selected, they will be used on a type of implant in the respective areas of contact with the bone tissue and gingival tissue, and will be tested in vivo in an animal model.
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Activities related
Mesa redonda online ¿Es posible la regeneración de tejidos? ONLINE, Wednesday, 21 December 2022; 18:00 hours
Ciclo de conferencias y debates en ciencias Cellular therapies: New oportunities offered by genetic engineering and immunotherapy Madrid, Thursday, 16 February 2023, 17:30 hours
International Symposium Membrane-Less Organelles in Cell Life and Disease Sevilla, Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 and 8 March 2023, 10:15 hours
Projects related
- Regeneration as a model to identify molecular mechanisms involved in cellular reprogramming 2016 Senior Researcher : Antonio Baonza Cuenca Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Heterogeneous biomimetic catalysts based on functionalized organic-inorganic hybrid networks to produce hydrogen 2016 Senior Researcher : Mª Dolores Esquivel Merino Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Química Fina y Nanoquímica. Universidad de Córdoba.
- Development of Mimics of Hidrogenases Modulated by Transition Metal Complexes to Produce Hydrogen in the Absence of Molecular Reducing Agents 2016 Senior Researcher : Miguel A. Sierra Rodríguez
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Stem cells and organoids. Unlocking their potential to understand and treat disease
Febrero 2018 Nature PapersEnd of main content