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Superconductor materials at (very) high critical temperature
17th national competition for scientific and technical research
High-temperature superconducting materials
Research Centre or Institution : Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Universidad Complutense. Madrid
The goal is to undertake a broad systematic study in the search for Superconductor Materials at Very High Critical Temperature, by preparing and studying in details materials of the following type: TMxCu1-xSr2TRCu2O8-d (TM: transition element; TR rare earth element).
Recent work by our group has shown that the relationship between the structure, properties and composition of this differ from the conventional properties of classical cuprates. In particular, we observed an anomalous process of oxidation-reduction of cations Cu(II) and (III) in connection with the Mo(V) and (VI) and, on the other hand, the relationship between the Critical Temperature and oxygen-copper peak distances and the O-Cu-O angles -which are essential characteristics of these SC- is opposite to what is usual (*). This peculiar characteristic will therefore be examined in detail, to attain higher critical temperatures, of which we have recently found signs.
Synthesis will use different procedures: the habitual ceramic method, idem. Microwave assisted and at high pressures and higher Temperatures. The creation of nano-particles. Crystalline growth. Directional laser-assisted solidification in flat geometry. Electrodeposition of the metals and oxidation.
The properties of these materials will then be modified by the controlled alteration of their composition and microstructure, with the aim of optimising their superconducting properties using Redox processes in several reaction media. Finally, in those materials which are found to be of greatest interest, the synthesis process will be scaled up. Likewise, and in order to obtain pieces with final applications, processing techniques will be used to manufacture tapes, threads and small pieces.
The overall analysis of the results over three years will give rise to detailed knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the subject and, eventually, to aid and control the obtaining of higher temperatures than those currently known.
(*) Oxidation Induced Superconductivity and Mo/Cu Charge Equilibrium in M0.3Cu0.7Sr2ErCu2Oy
M.A Alario y Franco, E. Morán et al. Superconductor Science and Technology (accepted 2015).
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