Research projects
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Study of the possible immunomodulation caused by Anisakis simplex larval antigens
15th National Programme for the allocation of Research Grants for Life and Matter Sciences
Rare diseases
Research Centre or Institution : Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. Madrid
The experimental hypothesis of this paper is that the larval products of Anisakis simplex may be immunosuppression mediators, trapped by dendritic cells (DCs) in the mucosa, that produce tolerogenic signals capable of inducing expansion of CD4+ T lymphocyte sub-populations with a regulator function. The aim is to study the effect of A. simplex larval antigens on the role of DCs and CD4+ T lymphocytes and later how the parasite antigens affect the physiology of DCs to initiate a tolerogenic response. As antigens, total larval products and excretion-secretion products of third-stage larvae of A. simplex will be used. Mouse models will be used since the tolerogenic DCs and T reg lymphocyte sub-classes are similar to human ones in phenotype and function.
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Activities related
International Symposium Understanding and reprogramming developmental visual disorders: from anophthalmia to cortical impairments Madrid, Thursday and Friday, 30 and 31 January 2020, 9:30 hours
Panel Discussion Mundo de las prótesis, los nuevos materiales, sus complicaciones y su futuro Madrid , Lunes, 8 de abril 2024. 17.00 horas
Session Situación actual de las Enfermedades Raras en España Madrid, Martes, 23 de abril de 2024, 10:00 horas
Projects related
- Phenotyping of animal models of rare diseases with visual disability 2020 Senior Researcher : Lluís Montoliu José Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). CSIC. Madrid
- The neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 in herplexia: a glycinergic pathology of development 2020 Senior Researcher : Beatriz López Corcuera Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. CSIC - UAM
- Serum markers in patients with congenital melanocytic nevi: clinicopathological and genetic correlation 2020 Senior Researcher : Pedro Redondo Bellón Research Centre or Institution : Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona
News related
La Fundación Ramón Areces refuerza su compromiso con las enfermedades raras
Published on 04/23/2024
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