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Role of mitochondrial disfunction in the energy collapse associated to aging and frailty. Basci an translational aspects

20th national competition for scientific and technical research

Aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Senior Researcher : José Viña Ribes

Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia.



In this research project we set out to study mechanisms by which energy is lost during aging. Our previous studies show that centenarians are an excellent model of successful aging because they not only manage to live many years, but they do so with a high quality of life. Previous research by our FRESHAGE group indicates that there are genes especially associated with centenarians such as Bcl-xL. On the other hand, genes such as AhR serve to protect against exposome alterations, that is, the damage that the polluted environment causes in people, especially the elderly. We have observed that the offspring of centenarians over-express these specific genes and, above all, that they are less frail, that is, they have a better quality of life than the non-centenarian ofspring of the same age (70 to 75 years). Experiments in animals that overexpress Bcl-xL show that this gene induces increased longevity in Drosophila flies and vigor and satisfactory aging in mice. Therefore, we have therapeutic targets to promote successful aging. One of the most commonly used supplements is nicotinamide riboside. In our project we have supplemented old mice with nicotinamide riboside and we have observed that they have more strength and better motor coordination than those not supplemented. This reduces falls, a fundamental problem in the elderly. The mechanism we have found is that supplementation decreases oxidative stress which is related not to aging but to frailty according to our free radical theory of frailty. The results are encouraging because they will allow us to identify mechanisms to maintain a better quality of life in the elderly.


Scientific Production
Magazine Articles 5
Communications at national conferences -
Communications at international conferences -


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