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Research projects

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Improvement of the production of fruits and tubers by manipulation of branching patterns in Solanaceae

15th National Programme for the allocation of Research Grants for Life and Matter Sciences

Biotechnology for functional food

Senior Researcher : Pilar Cubas Domínguez

Research Centre or Institution : National Biotechnology Centre. CSIC. Madrid. (Spain).


The overall objective of this project is to improve the branching patterns of potato and tomato plants, by alterations in the genes controlling this process, in order to improve the performance of the plants per unit of area. The specific objectives are: 1. To confirm the productive potential of the lines involving a lack of function in the BRANCHED1 gene (BRC1) in potatoes and tomatoes, in conditions of actual intensive growth. 2. To identify point mutants (non-GM) for BRC1a and BRC1b tomato genes causing the same phenotypes as RNAi lines. 3. To identify, using directed mutagenesis, altered versions of the BRC1 protein that have dominant or dominant negative activity, for use in manipulating the architecture of other species of agronomic interest.

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