Research projects
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Implication of the bioactive sphingolipids in atherogenesis. Biophysical and cellular studies
14th national competition for scientific and technical research
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis
Research Centre or Institution : Unidad de Biofísica. Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU. Lejona. Vizcaya.
Cardiovascular disease costs Spain nearly €7 billion a year, which is 7.1% of the entire national healthcare cost. According to researchers at Oxford University (United Kingdom), in the whole of the European Union, these costs amount to €181 billion. Specifically, atherosclerosis is the main cause of death in the industrialised world. However, despite the vast number of studies carried out world-wide, there is little knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms that cause the formation of atheromata. Therefore, there is enormous interest, both social and financial, in establishing alternatives to improve the treatment of this disease. The high levels of blood cholesterol are the primary cause of the formation of atheromata. However, it is now known that there are other "fats", the sphingolipids, which are capable of controlling many of the processes involved in atherogenesis. The main aim of our research project is to determine the sphingolipids' role in the inflammatory response and the control of cell proliferation and death, all of which are extremely important factors in the development of atherogenic damage. The results obtained in this research could be extremely useful in designing new treatment strategies that help to control these types of diseases.
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International Symposium Proteostasis and protein secretion Madrid, Thursday and Friday, October 17 and 18, 2019 9:15 hours
International Symposium Membrane-Less Organelles in Cell Life and Disease POSTPONED Sevilla, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 and 11 March 2020, 9:00 hours
Conferencia online Diseño de materia supramolecular para señalar y emular sistemas vivos ONLINE, Monday, 12 September 2022, 19:00 hours
Projects related
- Study of EBV, HHV-6A AND HHV-6B MICRO-RNAs in plasma isolated exosomes of patients with multiple sclerosis: correlation with activity and progression of disease 2016 Senior Researcher : Roberto Álvarez Lafuente Research Centre or Institution : Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC). Madrid.
- Modulation of exosomes transporting miRNAs and lncRNAs for intercellular communication as therapeutic tools in dyslipidemia treatment 2016 Senior Researcher : Alberto Dávalos Herrera
- Characterization of infection biomarkers and possible drug targets present into exosome vesicles generated during in vitro and in vivo infection by Leishmania infantum 2016 Senior Researcher : Vicente Emilio Larraga Rodríguez de Vera Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC)
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