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Future of sales via the mobile phone. Potential buyers and the visioin of companies

9th National Competition for Economic Research Grants

Commercial distribution

Senior Researcher : Sonia San Martín Gutiérrez

Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Burgos.


The objectives initially established in the project brief were to analyse the current situation of mobile marketing, with particular emphasis on our country; to identify the profile of potential buyers over the mobile phone; and to be able to help companies to anticipate the design of mobile sales strategies aimed at purchasers. For this, innovative models were designed in the field of mobile marketing, with a good theoretical basis, and then information was collected from members of panels of Spanish buyers via mobile phone, compared to other studies which only analyse mobile phone users that are not buyers and online surveys that do not control the composition of the sample. In addition, to complement the vision of purchasers with that of companies, information was gathered by means of a panel of companies (at least 50% of which already sold on the Internet) to gauge their impressions about the possibilities, strategies and implementation processes for the use of mobile phones for marketing and, more specifically, for the sale of products or services.

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