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Development factors, educations policy and educational achievements in advancedcountries. An international analyisis of excellence and equity in education

9th National Competition for Economic Research Grants

Analylsis of international educational indicators

Senior Researcher : Miguel Ángel Alegre Canosa

Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas GREDEQ (Grupo de Investigación en Educación y Equidad). Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.


The basic objective of the project is to explore, through international comparison, the margin for action of the education policy when it comes to increasing the educational results of the population, in turn reducing the weight of social inequalities in the explanation of those results, always taking into account the limitations deriving from contextual factors outside the school environment strictly speaking. In its first year of execution, the study has advanced in the first of its phases, consisting in the exploitation of statistical databases corresponding to a broad sample of OECD countries. The first results indicate the influence of the model of comprehensiveness and certain policies focussed on the attenuation of the effect on the educational outcome of the individual's socio-economic status and the school.

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