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Development and validation of an aerosol with intelligent nanoparticles in order to treat lung cancer

18th national competition for scientific and technical research

Immunotherapy and cancer

Senior Researcher : Eva Martín del Valle

Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Salamanca


In this project levan nanoparticles were prepared and characterized. Levan was obtained by enzymatic reaction by using the enzyme levansucrase and after that, the polymer was rearranged into stable nanoparticles of 180 nm that is a proper size for a drug to reach the lungs. Moreover, levan was carboxylated by using a chemical oxidation process, obtaining stable carboxylevan nanoparticles of around 150 nm. Those nanoparticles were activated by chemical methodology with cis-platin with a yield of around 90%. The study of the interaction among protein and receptor (EGF-EGFR) was studied by bioinformatics, highlighting the potential of this treatment for treating lung cancer. Also kinetics, drug delivery release were also carried out.

The administration of nanoparticles by spray needs an approximation with a model in order to reduce the next experiments with animals. This study allows an application more realistic, safe and effective. The deposition of particles in the different regions of the lungs depends on the particle size of the formulation. Based on the particle size, three different mechanisms of drug deposition are defined, namely impaction, sedimentation and diffusion. We have developed a biologically-based model of nanoparticle clearance from the lungs and translocation to the major organs of the body over time. Model calibration showed that the optimal parameter estimates may be dependent on the route of exposure and the physical-chemical characteristics of the particles. The parameters associated with the compartments through which the NPs were introduced to the body (olfactory, alveolar and upper airways) are dependent on the method of exposure; olfactory deposition was eliminated when endotracheal instillation was used, while exposure through inhalation eliminated any alveolar deposition.


Scientific Production
Magazine Articles 2
Communications at national conferences 4
Communications at international conferences 6


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