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Detection of molecules related to the mechanism of protection against canine Leishmaniasis. Differential gene expression in cells activated during the protection response induced by the LACK vaccine

15th National Programme for the allocation of Research Grants for Life and Matter Sciences

Rare diseases

Senior Researcher : Vicente Emilio Larraga Rodríguez de Vera

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Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC)


Leishmaniasis, an endemic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, affects 15 million people, with 2 million new cases and fifty thousand deaths a year in 88 countries in tropical and temperate zones. The Molecular Parasitology Laboratory (CIB-CSIC) is determining the differential gene expression between cells in the lymph node in protected and sick animals, using a vaccine as a discrimination tool. The use of cDNA microarrays is allowing the detection of genes activated by the disease-resistance process. A decrease in parasite load in protected dogs has been detected, as have differences in the expression of cytokines (IL 12 and IFN g) and in the ratio of specific IgG1/IgG2 anti-Leishmania antibodies.

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