Research projects
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Circulating exovesicles as markers of early diagnosis of CHAGas disease (PRECHAG).
21st national competition for scientific and technical research
Infection: early warning, prevention and treatment
Senior Researcher : Luis Miguel Pablos Torró
Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granada
The proposed project aims to study the possible role of the Trypanosoma cruzi microparticulate secretome, made up of Exovesicles (EVs) from the parasite and from infected host cells in the early diagnosis of Chagas disease. This disease, with 8 to 10 million people infected, is endemic to the American continent and is expanding due to migratory movements to countries like Spain. For the diagnosis and evaluation of in neonates as well as the chronic phase of the disease characterized by low parasitemia, early detection of the parasite or its secretion products is necessary. In this project, and based on previous studies, we intend to study the potential of parasite-specific Exovesicles (EVs) and their immunocomplexes (EVs-ICs) for the immunological and molecular diagnosis of Chagas disease.
To do so, the purification methodology of EVs and/or EVs-ICs from plasma, saliva and urine will be optimized to evaluate their potential use as biomarkers. The presence of antigenic proteins and DNA in EVs is of special interest due to their greater exposure, which will help to determine the presence/absence of the parasite in phases of the disease with low parasitemia, in neonates potentially infected by transplacental transmission or in follow-up after drug treatment of patients. The project has a team with experience in purification of EVs, immunological and molecular diagnosis, as well as specialists dedicated to clinical research on Chagas disease that ensure the viability of the project.
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17th edition. Cycle of conferences and debates in science Digital Twins: Technological Advances and Application Opportunities Madrid, Thursday, 13 February 2025, 17:30 hours
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Projects related
- Renewable Ammonia as an Energy Vector 2022 Senior Researcher : Francisco Pelayo García Arquer Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas, ICFO. Barcelona
- Programming bacterial metabolism for the valorization of plastic wastes (ProgStrain): 2022 Senior Researcher : Sergio Bordel Velasco Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valladolid
- Harnessing microRNAs for cancer immunotherapy 2022 Senior Researcher : Alicia González Martín Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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