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Beyond the Surface of Banking Supervision: Multi-Faceted Effects on Lenders and Borrowers

20th National Competition for Economic Research Grants (2021)

Applied Economics

Senior Researcher : Pedro Jesús Cuadros Solas

Research Centre or Institution : CUNEF Universidad


The objective of the research project is to contribute to the research on the effects of banking supervision. Specifically, we aim to provide empirical evidence on the multifaceted consequences of different supervisory regimes at different levels.

Nowadays, after completing the building of the dataset, two working documents entitled "The effect of bank supervision on banks' boards" and "Banking supervisory architecture and sovereign risk" have been written. These papers provide show empirically that i) banks adjust their governance and the composition of their boards in response to different supervisory regimes and that ii) the design of a supranational banking supervision framework reduces sovereign risk levels. Specifically, regarding with the first study on banking supervision and corporate governance, the study shows that the establishment of a centralized banking supervisor (SSM) produced a reduction in the size of the boards, a greater presence of independent directors and a reduced presence of directors with previous professional experience in the public sector. Then, regarding the investigation on banking supervision and sovereign risk, there is evidence on how the sovereign risk of countries, measured by sovereign ratings, is reduced when the largest and most significant banks are supervised supranationally. Furthermore, this effect on sovereign risk is determined by the characteristics of the banking sector and the country's institutional framework, with the improvement in banking stability caused by the establishment of a supranational supervisor being the underlying channel explaining the results.

Both papers have been sent for presentation to different international conferences and are currently evaluated by academic journals in the field of banking economics.


Scientific Production
Magazine Articles -
Communications at national conferences -
Communications at international conferences 1


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