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Aridez, salinización y agricultura en el sureste Ibérico

Life and Matter Sciences

Books 2004


One of the areas of Spain where cutting-edge agriculture is most important is the climatic region of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. The technologically dependent type of agriculture practiced there demands water, sometimes brought in over considerable distances and at a high price. To palliate the water deficit there is excessive use of underground resources, with overtapping of aquifers, whose most harmful aftereffect is salinization. Thus, aridity, salinity, microirrigation and cutting-edge agriculture meet today in this climatic region.

This book, the product of a symposium held at the Ramón Areces Foundation, studies the unfavorable environmental aspects (such as impact on the landscape, the falling quality of water, the difficulty of eliminating wastes) of a style of agriculture that, on the other hand, has some highly positive consequences: an improved standard of living, economic vigor, jobs, demographic growth, and substantial contribution of revenues to the trade balance.

The edition

  • Coordinators: Antonio Gil Olcina, Alfredo Morales Gil and Francisco J. Torres Alfosea
  • Several authors: Antonio Gil Olcina, Alfredo Morales Gil, Antonio M. Rico Amorós et al.
  • Prologue: Antonio Gil Olcina
  • Edition: In cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean Hydrotechnics Institute (Council OF Europe)
  • No. pages: 255
  • Binding: 17x24. Paperback

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